
  1. Where are the forms for CT testing?
    • C & M common drive:
    • Substation Data:
    • Test Forms..
  2. What can be done if CT test set will not work for your CT ?
    • Use a fractional ratio:
    • 600/5
    • 120/1
    • 60/0.5
  3. How do you test for polarity?
    • 600/5 = 120/1
    • Sec / 10 + Pri. = correct polarity
    • 120 / 10 = 12 + 1 = 13
    • 120 / 10 = 12 - 1 = 11
  4. What do you do to change the readings on the Phantom Load tester if out of scale?
    Add an additional loop of wire through the CT.
  5. PT Testing. How do you hook up the Hand Crank TTR leads?
    • Large leads are the secondary, higher current - lower voltage.
    • Smaller leads are the primary, higher voltage - lower current..
  6. Identify a trip coil on the Old Town prints:
    10-384 W008..
    A circle with letters (t c) or numbers ( 86 )..
  7. Ladder circuit = Parallel Circuit...
    OR circuit. Multiple paths.
  8. Series circuit...
    AND circuit. Only one path.
  9. Relaco relay...
    Has multiple termination points

    Has an operating coil
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Step6 Quiz4 Tech