med chem III test IV cancer conceptual

  1. resting cell ratio related to cell cycle
    growth factor, major determinant of chemotherapy effectiveness
  2. 3 properties unique to cancer cells
    • growth factor
    • enzyme production
    • vascularization
  3. 3 tumor cell properties that could present problems
    • uncontrolled proliferation
    • ectopic growht sites
    • cell life cycle
  4. 4 mechanisms for drug resistance
    • cellular adaptation
    • reduced drug transport into cells
    • reduced molecular target affinity
    • stimulation of alternative biosynthetic pathways
  5. 4 bad results of tumor lysis syndrome
    • hyperuricemia
    • hyperkalemia
    • hyperphosphatemia
    • hypocalcemia
  6. tumor lysis causing metabolic and electrolyte disturbances can progress to 4
    • renal insufficiency
    • cardiac arrhythmia
    • seizures
    • death due to multiorgan failure
  7. causes chemotherapy-induced hyperpigmentation of the tongue
    doxorubicin & cyclophasphamide
  8. preventative vaccine against strains of HPV attributed to cause 70% of cervical cancers
    • gardasil
    • cervarix
  9. therapeutic vaccine which utilizes personalized medicine to treat prostate cancer
  10. disrupt DNA synthesis
    block mitosis
    disrupt protein synthesis
    target cell replication
    cycle specific and non
    cytotoxic drugs
  11. act during any phase
    synergistic w/cell cycle specific drugs
    more toxic to proliferatind cells
    cell cycle nonspecific drugs
  12. 3 criteria for cancer drug therapy
    • each drug effective alone
    • different mechanism of action
    • minimal overlapping toxicities
  13. which drug class causes a formation of a covalent bond between drug and DNA to form crosslinks
    methylation at N7
    alkylating agents
  14. Administer with caution in hepatic failure, DO NOT take this drug with calcium containing foods (dairy products) or antacids, thrombosis and hypertension possible side effects
    USE contraception due to mutagenic, carcinogen and tetratogenic potential
    alkylating agents
  15. DNA virus agent
    acyclovir - zovirax
  16. RNA virus agent
    didanosine - videx
  17. MOA: Spindle poison – unique mechanism such that these drugs promote assembly of microtubules and stabilize them such that
    depolymerization can not occur
  18. cytotoxic intercalation
    not cell cycle specific
    streptomyces or streptococcus origin
    most have I.V administration
    antitumor antibiotics
  19. DNA cleavage agents
    significant antitumor activity
    minimal myelosupression
    pulmonary fibrosis
  20. aquation or hydration necessary to produce active species
    explains difference in pharmacokinetics and potency
    platinum coordination complexes
  21. Side-effects include:    
    Hepatotoxicity & renal damage
    severe vomiting
    ototoxicity (more severe in children)
    Analyphylaxis (immediate-treat with epinephrine, antihistamines,corticosteroids)
    platinum coordination complexes
  22. Bone marrow suppression is dose related producing infection and
    anemia---may be cumulative and require transfusions
    Dosage adjustment a function of renal creatinine clearance
    Carefully monitor platelet and neutrophil counts
    DO NOT use aluminum containing administration sets
    platinum coordination complexes
  23. target post menopausal women
    blocks estrone and estradiol production
    does not block ovarian production in pre-menopausal women
    aromatase inhibitors
  24. Nonreceptor TK’s
    Maintained in the inactive state by
    • cellular inhibitor proteins
    • lipids
    • intramolecular autoinhibition
  25. These inhibitors also induce growth arrest, cell differentiation, and apoptosis of tumor cells.
    histone deacetylase inhibitors
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med chem III test IV cancer conceptual
med chem III test IV cancer conceptual