psyc 270

  1. James in Contemporary

    • Humans can:

    • — reflect upon their own behavior
    • — regulate/control own behavior
    • — anticipate the actions of others
  2. What
    are selves for
    • —Survival
    • —Accomplish important goals
    • —Gain social acceptance***
    • —Conform to social norms and roles
  3. social roles
    the way in which we classify our selves can determine our social roles
  4. self concepts
    who am i
  5. —Self-concept is made up of self-schemas (Markus, 1977)
  6. Self-reference effect
    • —when info is relevant to our self-concept, we process it
    • quickly and remember it well.
  7. cocktail party affect
    if you are ata party and you here your name you will automatically direct your attention there
  8. Introspection

    • —Looking
    • inward at one’s own thoughts and feelings
    • —Are we good at this?
  9. Bem’s self-perception
    we process how we feel based on our own behaviors

    im sad bbecause iam a sad person
  10. Social comparison theory
    • —Festinger (1954): Social
    • comparison theory
    • —We evaluate ourselves
    • by comparing us to others
  11. Private
    • —Attending to your own inner states
    • —Emotions, thoughts, feelings, desires, traits
  12. —Public self-awareness
    • —Attending to how you are perceived by others
    • —Looking outward to understand the self
  13. two factor theorys of emotion
    • —First comes arousal,
    • then comes our explanation/interpretation of it.
    • —In uncertain
    • situations, we often look to others or the environment to figure out how we
    • should cognitively interpret our own emotions.
  14. motives for seeking self knowledge
    • —Appraisal motive – learn the truth about ourselves
    • —
    • —Self-enhancement motive – learn favorable things about
    • ourselves (involves a great deal of biases)
    • —
    • Consistency
    • motive-
  15. who has the most realisti views of them selves
  16. —Positive illusions
    • —People overestimate their good qualities, underestimate
    • faults
    • —
    • —People overestimate control over events
    • —
    • —People are unrealistically optimistic
  17. Implicit egotism
    : A nonconscious form of self-enhancement.
  18. —5 ways to enhance
    • —Self-serving
    • cognitions
    • —Self-handicapping
    • —Basking in the
    • reflected glory (BIRG)
    • —Cutting off reflected
    • failure (CORF)
    • —Downward social
    • comparison
  19. —Self-monitoring
    • —The extent to which
    • an individual is aware of and able to control the impressions that he or she
    • conveys to others
  20. self regulation
    • —The processes by which we seek to control or alter our
    • thoughts, feelings, behaviors and urges.
  21. Ideal
    • representation
    • of attributes that one ideally would like to possess (e.g., hopes, aspirations,
    • wishes)
  22. Ought
    • representation
    • of attributes that one believes one ought or should possess (e.g., duties,
    • obligations, responsibilities
  23. Ideal
    • The beliefs about
    • the attributes one would like to have ideally. i would love to be attractive
  24. Cognitive
    dissonance (
    • —A state of tension that occurs whenever an individual
    • simultaneously holds two cognitions (ideas, attitudes, beliefs, opinions) that
    • are psychologically inconsistent.
    • —
    • The
    • occurrence of cognitive dissonance is unpleasant – people are motivated to
    • reduce it.
    • like if you are a good person , but you kill someone you will feell it
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psyc 270
psyc 270