GSC Final Exam

  1. What are some key drivers of developing a sophisticated Supply Chain?
    • Information complexity
    • Proliferation
    • Diffusion
    • Velocity
    • Accuracy
  2. What is Information Visibility? What are some barriers?
    • The ability to see information at the various points across the supply chain as and when required
    • Barriers: Cultural, Financial, Technical, Organizational
  3. hat are some benefits of Information Visibility?
    • Customer oriented operations
    • Time compression
    • Consistent partnerships
    • Supply Chain synchronization
  4. What is significant about the "FloraHolland" Supply Chain?
    Have 40 auctions operating simultaneously at 6 sites
  5. In 2010, What company had the highest group revenue and how many countries were they operating in?
    Wal-Mart, operating in 16 countries (6%)
  6. What are the different types of Vendor Management Inventory (VMI) Supply chains?
    • Traditional Supply Chain,
    • Replenishment only,
    • Replenishment/Forecasting,
    • Replenishment/Forecasting/Customer Inventory management,
    • Replenishment/Forecasting/Customer Inventory management/Distribution planning
  7. What is significant about the Cardinal Health in Detroit?
    They are going to relocate a DMC/HFHS medical products distribution center to the midtown area.
  8. What is Radio Frequency Identification? (RFID)
    Provides real-time visibility of point-of-sale data across the supply chain to trigger production and/or movement of freight for automatic replenishment
  9. What are some applications of RFID technology?
    • Asset tracking
    • Increased security of freight
    • Improved stock management 
    • Reduced errors in data handling
  10. What is Supply Chain Knowledge Management?
    Describes the capture, storage, use and sharing knowledge within an organization
  11. Explain "Sustainability"
    • Concerned with reducing the environmental and other disbenefits associated with the movement of freight.
    • Seeks to ensure that decisions made today do not have an adverse impact upon future generations
  12. What are some causes of Greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere?
    • Burning fossil fuel,
    • Deforestation,
    • Industrial Processes,
    • Agricultural practices
  13. What percent did China and the US take up in CO2 emission from fossil fuel combustion?
    • China: 23%
    • U.S: 19%
  14. What are some Global Warming statistics
    • Earths average temperature has risen by 1.4 F over the past century
    • (But it will rise 2-11.5 F over the next hundred years)
  15. What happened in the "Kyoto Protocol"
    • In 1997, Japan's city Kyoto enacted regulations that called for a 60% reduction in Carbon emissions by 2050
    • 191 nations have signed and ratified the protocol (U.S is the only one that didn't)
  16. What are Food Miles?
    The distance by which the various components of a particular food item have to travel before final consumption
  17. What is significant about the Ford Rouge Plant?
    The roof collects and filters rainfall, reduces urban heat effect, insulates the building significantly, & lasts twice as long as normal
  18. At what stage are most of the carbon savings achievable at?
    Designing stage (Over 80% savings)
  19. What transportation mode uses the Most amount of fuel and which one uses the least?
    • Most: Air Freight (9600 BTU per ton mile)
    • Least: Waterborne (217 BTU per ton mile)
  20. What is the link between economic growth and transport growth?
    As economies grow, more transport is required to move the freight that economic growth inevitably generates
  21. What is an advantage of Port Centric Logistics?
    • Cuts down on the number of empty (return) containers on roads by emptying the imported containers at the port.
    • Allows for faster repositioning of containers
  22. What is Reverse Logistics?
    Process of planning, implementing, & controlling the efficient flow of raw materials, inventory, finished goods, & related information from the point of consumption to the point of origin for the purpose of recapturing or creating value or proper disposal
  23. What are some motivations for Reverse Logistics?
    • Government policy
    • Environmental Considerations
  24. What are the steps of Reverse logistics?
    Market ->Collection ->Test ->Redistribution ->Recycle/Remanufacture/ Reuse
  25. Why is it not good to simply throw away electronic products?
    They contain toxic components like Mercury, Lead, Barium, & Polyvinyl chloride. (Can have bad health effects on humans)
  26. What is the minimum amount of hazardous waste a company can generate a month without having to classify it as hazardous waste?
    100 kgs (220lbs)
  27. What are 2 factors that can determine the success of recycling a product?
    • 1. Whether or not there is a market for the recycled materials; and
    • 2. The quality of the recycled materials.
  28. What is significant about Reverse Logistics in a Closed-Loop System?
    Companies adopting this system collect their used products and either refurbish and resell, re-manufacture, or recycle them
  29. What is significant about Reverse Logistics in a Open-Loop System?
    Companies using this system might assume responsibility for collecting and finding markets for their products, but do not use the recovered materials for themselves
  30. What are some External factors for successful Reverse Logistics implementation?
    Legislation, Customer demand, Incentive
  31. What are some Internal factors for successful Reverse Logistics implementation?
    • Environmental concerns
    • Strategic cost/benefits
    • Volume and quality of returns
    • Resource
    • Integration and coordination
Card Set
GSC Final Exam
Ch.12, Ch.16, & Ch.17