
  1. Cum clauses
    • cum = when
    • usually at beginning
  2. Purpose clause
    • ut = in order that, in order to, to
    • in center of sentence
    • ut (positive)
    • ne (negative)
  3. Result clauses
    • ut = that
    • ut preceded by words like: tam=so, tot=so many, adeo=so very, tantus= so great/such great
  4. Indirect question
    • doesn't use ut
    • ubi, qui, quo, quomodo, cur, and others
  5. Indirect command
    • ut=to
    • uses impero, mando, persuado, quaero, oro, postulo, iubeo, and others before ut
  6. Present Active and Passive infinitives
    -are,-ire, -ere
  7. Deponents
    Perfect Active Participles
  8. Perfect Active Participles
    • Deponents
    • -tus
  9. Present Active Participles
    -ns, -nt, -ntem
  10. Perfect Passive Participles
    -tus, -ta, -tum
  11. Future Active Participle
    -surus, -turus
  12. Gerundives
    -ndum, -ndus, -nda + est
  13. Relative clauses
    qui, quae, quod, and ends with indicative verb
  14. Negative commands
    noli (s) or nolite (pl) + infinitive
  15. Comparative Adj. and Adv.
    -ior, -ius
  16. Superlative adj. and adv.
    • -ssimus, -rrimus, -llimus on adj.
    • -ssime, -rrime, - llime on adv.
  17. Genitive of possession
    mater puerorum - the boys' mother
  18. Genitive of quantity
    plus pecuniae - more of money/more money
  19. Genitive of description/character/quality
    vir summae prudentiae - man of very great common sense of a very sensible man
  20. Accusative of duration of time
    tres horas - for three hours
  21. Ablative of time
    quarto die - on the fourth day
  22. ablative absolutes
    • rege capto - the king having been captured/ seized
    • quibus visis, dum per vacua conclavia fugit, ancilla timide sequente
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