Zoonotic disease = ?
primarily a disease of animals, not humans
Disease triangle (Plague) - Host:
many animals species. major epidemics related to rats.
Disease triangle (Plague) - Vector:
- fleas. interation w/flea:
- feeds on rat w/ high bacteria count, blocking gut, flea continues to pump,
- in new wounds of new host
- transmitted in frass
Disease triangle (Plague) - Pathogen:
- bateria Yersnia pestis.
- causes disease (plague, black death).
- untreated disease = septicemic plague
- lead to infection of lungs = pneumonic plague
'dance macabre' (Plague)
intoxication of the nervous system leading to bizarre, erratic movements
children song about (plague)?
"Ring around the rosey"
etymology: (order mecoptera)
have long slender wings
common name: (order mecoptera)
scorpion flies
characters (order mecoptera)
- adult head with elongated clypeus giving the head a beak.
- membranous wings.
habits : (order mecoptera)
- weak fliers
- feed on dead arthropods (necrophagous)
- fungi (fungivorous) or predators
- special mating behavior of nuptial gifts
Etymology: (order trichoptera)
wings covered with hair-like setae
common name: (order trichoptera)
characters: (order trichoptera)
adults have four hairy wings that are held roof-like over back, with chewing mouthparts
habits: (order trichoptera)
- weak fliers
- feed on liquids
- adominal gills
- live in cold clean water for one year
- larvae ominivorous (alge)
- indicator species
Three basic types: (order trichoptera)
- net-spinners,
- case-builders
- free-living species
etymology: (order diptera)
adults have 2 wings
common name: (order diptera)
characters: (order diptera)
- 1 pair of membranous wings.
- hindwings modified = halteres functions to balance fly
- mouthparts varied and specialized for liquid diet
characters (order diptera)
characters (order diptera)
characters (order diptera)
characters (order diptera)
larvae in some but most are maggots
characters (order diptera)
- no legs
- 2 caudal spiracles.
- mandibles modified in hooks
(order diptera)
pupae in cocoon
habits: (order diptera)
- excellent flyers.
- feed on fluids
- lay eggs in larvae food
habits (order diptera)
- herbivores, fungivores
- predators - eat decaying matter (dung, dead flesh)
- parasitoids
- ectoparasites
- endoparasites of vertebrates
Tsetse fly is:
(order diptera)
Myiasis =
(order diptera)
when animals are infested with fly maggots
family culicidae (mosquitoes)
- eggs laid in water, larvae and pupae aquatic
- breath through anal tubes
family culicidae (mosquitoes)
- terrestrial
- males eat nectar
- females are blood feeders
family culicidae (mosquitoes)
Disease vector =
close relationship between insect and pathrogen
family culicidae (mosquitoes)
malaria ( protozoan ):
- understand disease cycle,
- dengue (virus)
- filariasis (nematode) causes elephantitis
- yellow fever (virus)
family simuliidae (black flies)
- awuatic
- hand on to siklken net on rocks
family simuliidae (black flies)
- hang around fresh water
- females are terrible biters (cutting-sponging)
- can build huge numbers.
family simuliidae (black flies)
- vector of onchocerciasis (river blindness_
- nematode that attacks optic nerve
- now under control
family tabanidae (Horse and deer flies)
- Pests of livestock.
- severe biters (cutting sponging)
- disease: vector of bacteria that cause tularemia (pseudoplague) and anthrax.
family muscidae (house flies)
larvae in dunb, rotting garbage
family muscidae (house flies)
- (aka musca domestica)
- feed on bacterial ooze and rotting material
- with sponging mouthparts
- F/M feed on blood
- tsetse fly is viviparous (female lays living larvae that pupate shortly after they are born
family muscidae (house flies)
- Disease transmitters = Not vectors
- pick up bacteria on tarshi
- mouthparts and transmit to humans
- Salmonella, cholera, typhus, dysentery.
- sleeping sickness in humans, nagana in cattle
family calliphoridae ( blow flies)
usually metallic blue or green
family calliphoridae ( blow flies)
- feed on carrion, manure,
- living flesh (myiasis) both in animals and humans
family calliphoridae ( blow flies)
controlled with sterile insect technique (SIT)
family calliphoridae ( blow flies)
- used in medical treatment to clean necrotic tissue from wounds (= maggot therapy)
- used in forensic entomology (homoicide investigations)
- to determine how long a person has been dead and if the body has been moved.
family tephritidae (fruit flies)
- agricultural pests
- patterned wings
- eggs laid in fruit, maggots eat inside
- contains the mediterranean fruit fly (medfly)
- Use SIT for control.
(order hymenoptera)
membranous wings
common name:
(order hymenoptera)
(order hymenoptera)
- two membranous wings
- hindwing smaller than forewing
- good flyers
- (hamuli hooks) on hind wings that hold wings together
suborder symphyta = sawflies
(order hymenoptera)
- abdomen and thorax broadly joined
- ovipositor saw-like or needle-like for ovipositing in plants
- larvae are herbivores
- feed in groups = gregarious
suborde apocrita = wasps , bees, ants
(order hymenoptera)
- first abdominal segment fused with metathorax and also constriced ("narrow waist")
- called petiole
- female ovipositor modified for pre or stinging
- mouthpars chewing or modified for nectar feeding.
- lives of a single host without killing host
- multiple attacks can be fatal
special type of parasite that lives on a single host, killing it.
animal that kills more than 1 host in its lifetime.
parastic wasps
(Apocrita group)
- parasites and parasitoids
- used in biological control (of thrips, aphids, whiteflies, leps)
solitary wasps (Apocrita group)
- predators
- females provided paralyzed prey (fresh insects) for solitary offspring
- ground and aerial nest (made out of mud)
solitary bees
(Apocrita group)
- herbivores feeding on pollen and nectar
- have plumose hairs for collecting pollen
- females provide pollen and nectar for their solitary offspings
- nest in wood (carpenter bees)
- ground
social wasp
(Apocrita group)
- predator
- females provide paralyzed prey
- cut-up pieces to their offspring
- aerial nests of mud or paper
- caste system: dominant females, workers, males
social hornets or yellowjackets
(Apocrita group)
- queen is larger than her daughters
- large insects with a nasty sting
social bees -
Bumble bees =
(Apocrita group)
caste system: queen, workers, males
social bees -
honey bees =
(Apocrita group)
- caste system: queen workers, drones
- use trophylaxis to pass chemicals through food and quality of food source
- when honey bees sting, leave stinger, gland, muscles in skin
Africanized honey bee =
social bees
(Apocrita group)
- killer bee
- venom is less toxic than domestic bees
- but one AHB sting initiates more sting.
- kill by massive numbers of stings
- if attacked, RUN
(Apocrita group)
- most advanced social structure of all insects
- caste = reproductives, queen minor workers, major workers
- red imported fire an is a nasty one!
family mutillidae =
velvet ants
family specidae =
tarantula hawks
(order coleoptera)
front wing provides sheath around membranous hind wings and abdomen
common name
(order coleoptera)
(order coleoptera)
- hard forewing (elytra)
- well-developed pronontum
- chewing mouthparts
(order coleoptera)
- largest order (40%) in the insecta
- terrestrial and aquatic and feeding habits
- most are herbivoroous (including all plant parts)
- some are fungivorous, scavengers, detritivorousm dung feeders ( coprophagous
ground beetles (family carabidae)
- mostly black color, shiny with long legs
- bombardier beetle
- direct a very hot, noxious chemical from end of their abdomen
darkling beetles (family tenebrionidae)
- eleodes = emits noxious checmical from abdomen
- mice eat by shoving abdomen into ground
click beetles (family tenebrionidae)
- pronotum extends back into points on both sides, specialized structure on the ventral surface of the body
- allows it to "click"
- thin larvae called wire worms, can be crop pests
scarab beetles (family scarabeidae)
- stout, heavy beetles (june beetles, dung, elephant beetle, rhinoceros beetle)
- omnivorous
- larvae are white grubs ('C' Shaped) in soil
- Egyptian times as gods.
ladybird beetles (family coccinellidae)
- M/F named ladybird beetles
- spots not related to sex but to species.
- excellent predators used in agriculture for biological control
- aggregation pheromones
tiger beetles (family cicindellidae)
- big eyes
- slender legs
- fast, fierce predator
- dr perrings faviorte insect
predaceous diving beetle (family dyticidae)
- aquatic beetles breatrh with plastron
- predators
leaf beetles (family chrysomelidae)
- antennae long
- larvae bore wood
- eucalyptus long-horned borer
snout beetles, veevils
(family curculionidae)
- beetles have long snout with mandibles at tip.
- largest and most economically important family of insects
- ag pests
blister beetles
(family meloidae)
- board head and abdomen, narrow thorax
- elytra loosely cover abdomen and often are short,
- exposing part of abdomen
- produce cantharadin which causes blisters,
- "spanish fly"
fireflies (family lampyridae)
- predators
- light producing organ in abdomen
- elaborate courtship behavior using light flashes.
- photuris - females attract Photinus - males to eat them = "femme fatale"
(order strepsiptera)
- front wing is club-shaped
- giving appearance of a twisted up wing
common name:
(order strepsiptera)
twisted-winged parasites
(order strepsiptera)
- tiny insects
- females: without wings eyes antennae head and thorax fused into cephalothorax
- males: normal body, antennae eyes with forewings club like
- hindwings are fan-shaped, and functional for flight
(order strepsiptera)
- endoparasitic (internal parasite) of other insects
- females parasitic throughout life
- never leaving host body
(order strepsiptera)
- sperm is transferred through a "brood passage"
- eggs mature inside female and hatch as larvae = ovovivipary
- six-legged larvae = triungulin exit through brood passage to outside of
- host.
(order lepidoptera)
wings covered with scales
common name:
(order lepidoptera)
- butter flies
- moths
- skippers
(order lepidoptera)
- adults 2 pair membranous wings, covered with scales (modified setae)
- colored by pigments or structral
- wings held together by overlap - frenulum and hook, or by jugum.
(order lepidoptera)
- nearly all phytophagous ( a few parasitic and predaceous)
- moths and skippers active at night
- butterlifes active at day
(order lepidoptera)
- larvae feeding machines (walking intestine)
- adults reproducing machine (flying ovaries and testes)
larval feeding ecology:
(order lepidoptera)
- most have narrow host range
- edges of leaves, pit feeders, skeletonizer, leaf miners, stem and wood borers
adaptations to avoid being eaten by predators:
(order lepidoptera)
- hide themselves in plant tissue or "tents"
- crypsis
- chemical defenses
- irritating hairs
mate finding:
(order lepidoptera)
- territories
- active searching
- sight
- pheromones
long distance migration:
(order lepidoptera)
not same individuals who migrated prior season
brush-footed butterflies
(family nymphalidae)
- largest family or butterflies
- common in riverside (painted lady)
milkweed butterflies, includes monarch and queens
(family danaidae)
- monarch migration
- prime example of mimicry
hawk moths, sphinx moths
(family sphingidae)
- large heavy body moths
- mistaken for hummingbirds
- hornworms
giant silkworms moths
(family saturniidae
larges NA mothslarvae with stinging hairs
(family papillionidae)
- adults are large brightly colored butterflies
- larvae with eversible osmeterium
silkworms moths
(family bombycidae)
contains species taht produces silk
clearwing moths
(family sesiidae)
- wing areas without scales
- resemble wasps
armyworms, bollworms, cutworms
(family noctuidae)
- gray
- nondescript moths
- nocturnal
- severe ag pests
inch-worm moths
(family geometridae)
- larvae slender
- "loop" when they walk
- commonly caled inchworms