Nursing 387 part 2

    • author "Hanna "
    • tags "Mental health"
    • description ""
    • fileName "Nursing 387"
    • freezingBlueDBID -1.0
    • What are somatoform disorder?
    • A group of disorders in which physical symptoms suggests a physical disorder with no baseline base.
  1. What is strongly believed to be the cause of somatoform disorders?
    • Psychobiological factors
    • Mind body interactions
  2. What are somatoform disorders distinct from?
    Malingering or factitious disorders ( munchausens)
  3. What is somatization?
    The expression of psychological stress through physical symptoms.

    Complainta of physical sympotoms that can not be expalined by physiological test

    Psychological factors and conflicts seem important in initiating, exacebrating, and maintain ing the disturbance.

    Sympotoms not intentionally produced

    Inablity to control sympotoms voluntary
  4. What classifies as somatization disorder?
    • History of many physical sympotoms
    • Four pain symptoms
    • 2 GI sympotoms ( dygestive system)
    • 1 sexual dysfunction ( reproductive system)
    • 1 pseudoneurological sympotoms ( neurological symptoms)
  5. What is conversion disorder?
    • A. One or more sympotoms suggests of a neurological disorder
    • B. Cannot be expalined by a know neurological or medical disorder
    • C. Stress and exacerbation assosciated onset of sympotoms
    • D. Moror symptoms: sensory defixot, seizure/convulsion
  6. Pain disorder?
    • A. Pain in one or more site is predominantly focused
    • B. It causes distress or disruption in social, occupational, orother functioning
    • Psycological factors have significant roles.
  7. What is Hypochoondrasis? How long does it last?
    • A. Preoccupation with fear and idea of having a seriouse illness
    • B. Misinterpretation of bodily symptoms.
    • C. Not of delusional intensity
    • D.Cause distress and disruption in functioning
    • E. At least 6months
  8. What is body dismorpic disorder?
    • Preoccupation with imganery defect in apperance
    • Cause distress and disruption in functioning
  9. What are the riak factors for demostic violence?
    • Substance abuse
    • Economic dependency
    • Social isolation
    • Extensive stress in the family
    • Pregnancy
  10. What are the theories of demostic violenece?
    • Neurological problem
    • Social learning or role modeling
    • Influence of media
  11. What is labile?
    Change, easily altered. Switching from one topic to another
  12. Give example of Affect?
    Sad, angry, constricted, flat, blunted, labile, overly reactive
  13. Give exmaples of mood?
    Depressed, irratable, anxious, angry, expabsive, euphoric ( intense
  14. Major depressive disorder? How long
    • depressive mood or a loss of interest or pleasure nearly all active
    • Lasts at least 2weeks
    • Impares social/ occupational functioning.
  15. What are the Diagnostic critera for major depressive disorder?
    • 4 of the following
    • -Disruption of appetite
    • -Sleep disturbance
    • -Disruption in concentrateion
    • -Fatigue or loss of energy
    • -Psychomotor agitation or retardation
    • -Excessive guilt or feeling of worthlessness
    • -Reoccurring thoughts of death or sucide
  16. What is dysthemia?how long
    • Less sever form of depression but individual feels it all the time and most of the time
    • For 2 years
  17. How long prescribed are antidepressant prescribed for?
    4 to 9 months
  18. What are the different classes of drugs?
    • 1. MAOI
    • 2. SSRI
    • 3.Tryclics
    • 4. Atypical/Novel
  19. When do antidepressant come into effect?
    3 to 6 weeks
  20. What do MAOI do? What do you need to be care of?
    • Decrease the breakdown of serotonin, epinephrine, and norepinephrine, thereby increasing their concentrations.
    • Not often prescribed because of dietary and OTc medication resriction.
  21. When is MAOI used?
    Only persribed for treatment of resistant depreasion
  22. What are example MAOI (drug)?
    Phebelzine, tranylcypromine
  23. What do you need to moderate when on MAOI?
    Chocolates and coffee
  24. What are the dietary restrictions with MAOI?
    Cheese ( except cream or cottages), smoked, dried, pickled, cured, or presereved meat and fish, caviar, beans, avocado, yeast extract including beer containg yeast
  25. Medication to avoid when MAOI are...
    TCA, prozac, denoral, amphetamine. Pain medications except Ibuprofen, aspirin, acetaminophen
  26. What are the side effects of MAOI?
    • Headace, drowsiness, dry mouth and throat, blurred vision, weight loss, postutal hypotension, nausea, agitation, dizziness, constipation
    • Hypertensive crisis
    • Sudden, severe pounding Headace
    • Raising pulse
    • Flusing
    • Stiff neck
    • Chest pain
    • Nausea and vomitting
  27. What are examples of TCAs
    Amitriptyline, doxepin, clomipramine
  28. What are side effects of TCAs?
    Sedation, drowsiness, tachycardia,prolonged Oat, ortiostatic hypotension, weight gain, memory disruption
  29. What happens if TCA is overdose?
  30. What are the examples of SSRI?
    Fluoxetine ( prosac) , sertraline, fluvoxamine (Zoloft), paroxetine, citalompram, escitalopam
  31. What is the role of SSRI
    Prevents the reuptake of serotonin in the synaptic cleft (leaving more seritonin avaliable at the receptor sites)
  32. What are examples if novel agents ?
    • Efexor (venlafaxine)
    • Buproprion
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Nursing 387 part 2
Second year nursing