Buenos Aires 2

  1. las aguas termales
    hot springs
  2. la catarata
  3. comprar recuerdos
    to buy souvenirs
  4. Con carin~o,...
  5. Dale un saludo a... de mi parte
    Say hi... for me
  6. Espero que este's bien.
    I hope your doing well.
  7. explorar la selva
    to explore the jungle
  8. hacer senderismo
    to go hiking
  9. hacerse amigo(a) de alguien
    to make friends with someone
  10. Hice un tour...
    I took a tour...
  11. ir a un civercafe'
    to go to a cybercafe
  12. ir a cafe's
    to go to (outdoor) cafes
  13. No hice nada.
    I didn't do anything.
  14. el parque nacional
    national park
  15. Querido(a)...,
  16. saltar en paracaidas
    to go skydiving
  17. Te echo mucho de menos.
    I miss you a lot.
  18. tomar un crucero
    to go on a cruise
  19. Un abrazo de...
    A big hug from...
  20. Un saludo de...
  21. el volca'n
  22. Cue'ntame lo que paso el dia que...
    Tell me what happened the day that...
  23. No, ando planeando
    No, I'm planning...
  24. No me digas!
    No way! (You're kidding!)
  25. Que' noticias tienes de...?
    What news do you have of...?
  26. Sigues pendando en...?
    Are you still thinking about...?
  27. Ya sabi'as qe...?
    Did you already know that?
Card Set
Buenos Aires 2
Buenos Aires Vocabulary 2