
  1. Continental Shelf
    gently sloping outer edge of a continent that extends below the surface of the ocean toa maximum depth of about 200 metres
  2. Banks
    Shallow areas of a Continental shelf
  3. Inshore Fishing
    commercial fishing that takes place within a few kilometres of shoreline. small fishing boats go out to sea and return to shore each day
  4. Offshore fishing
    ocean fishery using boats longer than 25m. The boats stay at sea several days befroe returning to shore with their catch
  5. sustained yeild managment
    use of renewable resource at a rate that allows the resource to renew itself. For example, the number of fish caught shouldnt be greater than the number of fishing maturity
  6. Growing season
    The number of days when the mean daily temperature exceeds 5 degrees. Farmers only grow crops that will have time to ripen within the growing season of their area
  7. Fertilizer
    substance such as manner or a chemical put on agriculture land to produce a greater crop yeild
  8. Herbicides
    chemical designed to kill unwanted plants(weeds). If used improperly, a herbicide can be a polutant
  9. Pesticide
    chemicals designed to kill harmful plants (herbicide) and harmful insects (insectiside)
  10. Land capability
    ability of land to be used for a certain purpose. For example land capability for agriculture depends on soil quality, drainage slope and climate
  11. Mechanization
    process whereby machinery takes over humans or animals
  12. Metallic mineral
    mineral that yeilds a metal when processed, for example gold uranium and silver
  13. non metallic mineral
    mineral that yeilds non metals when processed. Salt, potash
  14. Fossil feuls
    any mineral that can be burned to produce energy. Coal, natural gas, oil
  15. Industrial minerals
    non-metallic minerals such as salt or asbestos used by industries and manufacturing
  16. Sustained yeild forest management
    use of forest resources that allow the forests to renew themselves
  17. softwood
    wood from coniferous(needle) trees
  18. Hardwood
    wood from broad leaved trees (oak and maple) they are used for furniture, boats, sports equipment etc.
  19. stewardship
    the management of resouces in a careful and substaincial way
  20. What are the three categories of fsih and explain
    • groundfish- bottom feeders
    • pelagic fish- open water feeders
    • Shellfish- shells
  21. What are the four factors influencing Agriculture
    • topography
    • biology
    • Climate
    • Soil
  22. Why is land both a renewable and non renewable?
  23. Where are the three areas that fruit is grown
    • Niagara fruit belt
    • Okanagan Valley of BC
    • Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia
  24. Why were substicides made?
    to help those in the 1930s during the depression whos crops were ruined by the a drought
  25. What are the three ways of logging
    • clear cut
    • Selective Cut
    • Shelterwood
  26. Which areas suffer most from acid precip, why?
    • maple syrup producing forests
    • because the fumes from Eastern Canada and eastern united states
  27. What are the three types of mining and what is each used for?
    • Strip- oilsands, coal and other minerals
    • Open pit- used to mine minerals that are near surface but may also extend deep into ground
    • Underground- extract mineral ores from deep into earth
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