
    • Wèi
    • Hello (over the telephone)
    • which
  1. 时间
    • Shíjiān
    • time
  2. 年级
    • Niánjí
    • grade in school
  3. 以后
    • Yǐhòu
    • after
    • Bié
    • don't
  4. 下个
    • Xià ge
    • next one
    • 下 = below; next
  5. 准备
    • Zhǔnbèi
    • to prepare
  6. 练习
    • Liànxí
    • to practice
    • a
    • (sentence-final particle of exclamation, interrogation, etc.)
  7. 上个
    • Shàng ge
    • previous one
    • 上 = above, previous
  8. 复习
    • Fùxí
    • to review
    • Màn
    • slow
    • Zhī
    • (measure word for pen and other long, thin objects)
    • pen
    • Zhǐ
    • paper
    • Dǒng
    • to understand
  9. 预习
    • Yùxí
    • to preview
    • Nán
    • difficult
  10. 开始
    • Kāishǐ
    • to begin; to start; beginning
  11. 录音
    • Lùyīn
    • sound recording; to record
    • cool
    • Piān
    • (measure word for diaries, essays, articles, etc.)
  12. 日记
    • Rìjì
    • diary
    • Lèi
    • tired
  13. 教室
    • Jiàoshì
    • classroom
  14. 发音
    • Fāyīn
    • pronunciation
    • Xīn
    • new
  15. 宿舍
    • Sùshè
    • dormitory
  16. 那儿
    • Nàr
    • there
  17. 告诉
    • Gàosu
    • to tell
  18. 已经
    • Yǐjīng
    • already
    • Fēng
    • (measure word for letters)
    • Xìn
    • letter (correspondence)
  19. 专业
    • Zhuānyè
    • college major
  20. 后来
    • Hòulái
    • recently
    • Xiào
    • to smile; to laugh
    • Zhù
    • to wish (well)
  21. 商店
    • Shāngdiàn
    • store; shop
  22. 衣服
    • Yīfu
    • clothes
    • Jiàn
    • (measure word for shirts, dresses, jackets, coats, etc.)
  23. 衬衫
    • Chènshān
    • shirt
  24. 颜色
    • Yánsè
    • color
  25. 穿
    • Chuān
    • to wear
    • Tiáo
    • (measure word for pants, and long thin objects)
    • Hào
    • size
  26. 便宜
    • Piányi
    • cheap; inexpensive
    • Duǎn
    • short
  27. 一共
    • Yīgòng
    • altogether; total
  28. 多少
    • Duōshao
    • how much/many
    • Shuāng
    • (measure word for a pair)
    • Huàn
    • to exchange; to change
  29. 虽然
    • Suīrán
    • although
    • Zhǒng
    • (measure word for kinds, sorts, types)
    • Hēi
    • black
    • Tǐng
    • very; rather
    • it
  30. 这儿
    • Zhèr
    • here
  31. 刷卡
    • Shuā kǎ
    • to pay with a credit card
    • 刷 = to swipe; to brush
    • 卡 = card
    • Shōu
    • to accept
  32. 不过
    • Bùguò
    • however; but
  33. 付钱
    • Fù qián
    • to pay money
  34. 寒假
    • Hánjià
    • winter vacation
    • Piào
    • ticket
  35. 公共
    • Gōnggòng
    • public
  36. 汽车
    • Qìchē
    • automobile
    • 汽 = gas
    • 车 = car
  37. 或者
    • Huòzhě
    • or (not in a question)
  38. 地铁
    • Dìtiě
    • subway
    • Zǒu
    • to talk; to go by way of
    • Xiān
    • first
    • Zhàn
    • (measure word for stops for bus, train, etc.)
  39. 下车
    • Xià chē
    • to get off (a bus, train, etc.)
  40. 然后
    • Ránhòu
    • then
  41. 绿
    • green
  42. 线
    • Xiàn
    • line
  43. 最后
    • Zuìhòu
    • final; last
    • Lán
    • blue
  44. 麻烦
    • Máfan
    • troublesome
  45. 打车
    • Dǎchē
    • take a taxi
  46. 出租汽车
    • 出租汽车
    • taxi
    • 出租 = to rent out; to let out
    • 租 = to rent
    • Sòng
    • to see off or out; to take (someone somewhere)
  47. 电子邮件
    • Diànzǐ yóujiàn
    • email
    • 电子 = electron
    • Ràng
    • to allow or cause (somebody to do something)
    • Huā
    • to spend
    • Měi
    • every; each
  48. 城市
    • Chéngshì
    • city
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competition cards