social studies final exam

  1. Washington's Farewell address
    1. dont make political parties, 2. be neutral with other countries.
  2. Thomas Jefferson
    • favored democracy and had no patience towards the federalists.
    • small government
    • good faith in farmers/people who works in the soil
    • very smart and entered college at age 16
    • a country man
    • didn't like the merchants/ rich people running the country
  3. Louisiana Purchase
    • as people moved west the mississippi river became a demand, because of its access to new orlean's, a SEA PORT!
    • this area though was owned by france. Napoleon's plan was to and to make it a farming area, unavailable to the americans. (fill farms with french farmers)
    • in 1803 thomas Jefferson responded to people concerns by sending James Monroe to France with an offer to buy new orleans for $7.5 billion.
    • it was a deal. some people were against this because they thought this would be to much for the country to govern. and some didn't like the $15 million tag on it. Lewis and Clark eventually did explore this area, and came back with lots of new information.
  4. Lewis & Clark -Corps of discovery (purpose? actual achievments)
    • lewis and Clark went looking for the northwest passage. They didn't it but ended up learning a lot about the country and the species, animals, plants and people.
    • they made peace with some of the indians, Sacajawea.
    • gained knowledge of the newly bought territory of the Louisiana Purchase.
  5. Beliefs of the First Political Parties: Democratic-republicans & Federalists.
    • Democratic Republicans: Farming, not run by the rich people. smart but just regular people.
    • Federalist: governed by "the best people (rich)" merchants and manufacturing.
    • educated and wealthy people.
  6. Jefferson/Hamilton's Debates
    • hamilton: Federalist
    • jefferson: Democratic Republican.
  7. war of 1812 major battles ( locations where most battles took place) who supported (war hawks), who opposed, star spangled banner, battle of new orleans
    • war hawks= britain
    • battle of new orleans, unnessary, wasnt needed. etc.
    • i know the rest.!
  8. states right theory
  9. Monroe Doctrine
    the message to congress saying that Europe shouldn't be part of the Americas.
  10. Andrew Jackson: new type of politics- election of 1828 "spoil system" florida, indian policy
    • andrew jackson- trail of tears, moved indians to the reservation, long hard journey, people died, gained florida from seminoles.
    • spoil system: the system or practice in which public offices with their emoluments and advantages are at the disposal of the victorious party for its own purposes.
  11. indian removal Act: cherokee and the trial of tears
    got ride of the indians, and put then on a reservation. they made them walk there which was over 1000 miles. some would die on the trail, which is part of the reason behind the name, trail of tears.
  12. manifest destiny
    it is the idea that it was the nations destiny to expand across the continent from sea to sea, Atlantic to Pacific.
  13. The Forty-Niners
    • Reasons they moved to the west:
    • there was a gold rush and they wanted money/to become rich.

    • Hardships they faced:
    • difficult journey some by land or sea,
    • high prices for daily survival
    • no police to keep order
    • gold mining was hard and tenacious work

    • Legacies they Left:
    • warfare and disease reduced native american population : 150,000-30,000
    • californios lost their land to newcomers
    • increased population of California so it could be a state
  14. Pioneer women:
    • Reasons they moved to the west:
    • -to find new opportunities
    • -establish homesteads with families
    • -find husbands
    • -some mail order brides.
    • Hardships they faced:
    • Crossing the river
    • Cooking washing clothes, caring for children
    • disease and accidents
    • hunger, cold, thirst,
    • indian attacks
    • having to leave things behind at home.
    • Legacies they left:
    • Brought schools, churches, libraries, societies, charitable groups to the west
    • fought for and won the right for women to vote in the west 1869
  15. industrial revolution-what was it?
    when we started to have factories, manufacturing businesses, and machines. we grew economically.
  16. capitalism (protective tariff)
    An economic system based on a free market, open competition, profit motive and private ownership of the means of production. Capitalism encourages private investment and business, compared to a government-controlled economy. Investors in these private companies (i.e. shareholders) also own the firms and are known as capitalists.
  17. transcontinental RR linking US-date?? effect on west?
    • 1863 and 1869
    • was a railroad line built in the United States between 1863 and 1869 by the Central Pacific Railroad of California and the Union Pacific Railroad that connected its statutory Eastern terminus at Council Bluffs, Iowa/Omaha, Nebraska[1][2] (via Ogden, Utah and Sacramento, California) with the Pacific Oceanat Alameda, California on the southern shore of San Francisco Bay opposite San Francisco. By linking with the existing railway network of theEastern United States, the road thus connected the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States by rail for the first time. The line was popularly known as the Overland Route after the principal passenger rail service that operated over the length of the line through the end of 1962.
    • brought more people and trade and money to the west. made transportation easier and faster.
  18. territorial expansion in the west: texas annexation,oregon territory,mexican cession, gadsden purchase, (review the territorial map)
  19. mexican war
  20. texas annexation
  21. slavery
  22. underground RR & abolitionist
    people who are against slavery. these people would help the slaves get to free territory, buy giving them shelter, signals, etc.
  23. events leading up to the civil war: Review the nation breaks apart notes.
  24. Differences between north and south in the 1800's (geography, economy, etc.)
  25. advantages of North and south prior to the civil war
  26. anaconda plan
    The Anaconda Plan is the name widely applied to an outline strategy for subduing the seceding states in the American Civil War
  27. major leader of the confederacy
    General Robert E. Lee.
  28. major leaders of the union
    U. S. Grant
  29. major battles (gettysburg/turning point, antietam, shermans march to the sea/total war)
    review power point
  30. gettysburg address
    • • A speech made by Abraham
    • Lincoln.

    • •Emancipation=the
    • act of freeing people from slavery.

    • •It
    • is one of the most well known speeches in the United States.

    • •It
    • starts out "Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on
    • this continent a new nation: conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the
    • proposition that all men are create equal.”

    • •Even
    • after he arrived president Lincoln never stopped adding to his speech.

    • •The
    • first page of the original text was written in ink on a sheet of Executive
    • Mansion paper. The second page, either written or revised at the Wills
    • residence, was in pencil on a sheet of foolscap, and, according to Lincoln's
    • secretary, Nicolay, the few words changed in pencil at the bottom of the first
    • page were added while in Gettysburg.

    • •The
    • second draft of the address was written in Gettysburg probably on the morning
    • of its delivery, as it contains certain phrases that are not in the first draft
    • but are in the reports of the address as delivered and in subsequent copies
    • made by Lincoln.
  31. emancipatioin proclamation (why did lincoln issue? where slaves were freed?)
    he Emancipation Proclamation consists of two executive orders issued by United States President Abraham Lincoln during the American Civil War. The first one, issued September 22, 1862, declared the freedom of all slaves in any state of the Confederate States of America that did not return to Union control by January 1, 1863. The second order, issued January 1, 1863, named ten specific states where it would apply. Lincoln issued the Executive Order by his authority as "Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy" under Article II, section 2 of the United States Constitution.

    Mississippi (January 9, 1861)[5] Florida (January 10, 1861)[6] Alabama (January 11, 1861)[7] Georgia (January 19, 1861)[8] Louisiana (January 26, 1861)[9] Texas (February 1, 1861)[10] After the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861, and Lincoln's subsequent call for troops on April 15, four more states declared their secession:[11]Virginia (April 17, 1861; ratified by voters May 23, 1861)[12] Arkansas (May 6, 1861)[13] Tennessee (May 7, 1861; ratified by voters June 8, 1861)[14][15] North Carolina (May 20, 1861)[16]
  32. appomattox courthouse (terms of surrender-year)
    • •On April 9th, 1865, General Lee arrived at
    • Wilmer McLean's house in the village of the Appomattox Courthouse. He was there
    • to surrender his army to General Grant.

    • •Grant’s terms of surrender were generous.
    • Confederate soldiers could go home if they promised to stop fighting, they
    • could take with them their own horses
    • and mules, which they would need for Spring plowing. Officers could keep
    • their swords and weapons. Grant also ordered that food be sent to Lee’s
    • half-starved men.

    •Lee accepted the terms.

    • •As Lee returned to headquarters,
    • Union troops began to shoot their guns and cheer wildly. Grant told them to
    • stop celebrating.
  33. Reconstruction: 13th amendment
    the 1865 constitutional amendment that abolished slavery in the united states.
  34. Recontruction: 14th amendment
    the 1868 constitutional amendment declaring that all native-born or naturalized persons were citizens
  35. reconstruction: 15th amendment
    the 1870 constitutional amendment declaring that the right to vote should not be denied "on account of race, color, or previous servitude. women still can't vote
  36. Jim Crows Law
    The Jim Crow laws were state and local laws in the United States enacted between 1876 and 1965. They mandated de jure racial segregation in all public facilities, with a supposedly "separate but equal" status for black Americans. In reality, this led to treatment and accommodations that were usually inferior to those provided for white Americans, systematizing a number of economic, educational and social disadvantages.Some examples of Jim Crow laws are the segregation of public schools, public places and public transportation, and the segregation of restrooms, restaurants and drinking fountains for whites and blacks
  37. what did lewis and clark fail to find?
    the northwest passage
  38. the party that favored being strict?
    the democratic republicans
  39. in the dred scott case what amendment suppourted the south
  40. in the harsh indian policy-trail of tears who was president?
    andrew jackson
  41. the side that did not need to attack (defensive war) in the civil war was...?
    the south
  42. the hardship most people faced on the oregon trail was..?
  43. war with this native american group was before we gained florida?
  44. Lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation because?
    to reduce the power of the south
  45. the year the civil war began and ended
  46. the party that advocated states rights?
    democratic republicans
  47. what was under the Missouri compromise and the line which divided slave and free?
    36 degrees, 30 minutes north line , missouri boundary.
  48. those who believed we should abolish slavery were?
  49. explorers who met indians of the west and established US authority?
    lewis and clark
  50. the party that favored farmers:
    democratic Republicans
  51. leader of Mexican troops during the mexican american war?
    santa anna
  52. why battles were fought in the great lakes
    it bordered the US and Canada.
  53. members of congress who supported Britain in the 1812 war?
    War Hawks
  54. who surrendered to Grant at the Appomattox Courthouse
    General E. Lee.
  55. the issue that cause the congress to make many compromises during the 1800's?
  56. the formal message that was said to congress that Europe should stay out of the Americas?
    Monroe Doctrine
  57. Invention that caused slavery to increase?
    Cotton Gin
  58. Party that favored merchants?
  59. kansas-nebraska act decided free or slave?
    popular sovereignty
  60. who's farewell address?
    George Washington.
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social studies final exam
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