Microbiology Chapters 1-6

  1. Viruses, viroids and prions all.....
    • -operate intracellulary
    • -considered acellular
  2. the idea of spontaneous generation meant that.....
    organisms can arise spontaneously from non-living material
  3. which scientists were involved in amoung other things investigating the idea of spontaneous generation?
    • Pasteur
    • Tyndall
  4. the scientist usually considered the first to see microorganisms which he called animacules was......
  5. microorganisms are involved in________
    • paper production
    • food production
    • oil spills
  6. the degredation of environmental pollutants by living organisms
  7. have a more complex internal structure them archea and bacteria
  8. what are the three domains of organisms
    • bacteria
    • archaea
    • eucarya
  9. viruses mat only be grown...
    in something living
  10. what is the group viruses are in?
    • infectious agents
    • (non-living)
  11. prions are....
    • mutated protein
    • made of protein
  12. The types of cells which lack a membrane bound nucleus are .......
    prokaryotic cell
  13. viruses are often referred to as the....
    cause of infections
  14. the system by which organisms are named is referred to as ......
  15. both viruses and viroids are ........
    obligate intracellular parasites
  16. which group contains single celled and multicellular organisms
    • algae
    • fungi
  17. the strong nuclear force holds these in the nucleus of an atom
    • protons
    • neutrons
  18. the weak nuclear force makes
  19. these are force particles associated with the strong force
  20. it appears to be weak inside an atom
  21. electrons give off
    • light
    • energy
  22. protons are made of
  23. the electron is.....(2)
    • very light
    • found in shells
  24. the 4 forces inside an atom
    • strong nuclear force
    • weak nuclear force
    • electromagnetic force
    • gravity
  25. study of the smallest parts of an atom
    quantum mechanics
  26. heisenburg said we can never accuartly predict where an elctron may be in an atom and this is called.....
    uncertainty principle
  27. when the strong force inside an atom is broken it relases these two things
    • energy
    • mass
  28. what are 4 qualities of water
    • -polar molecule
    • -universal solvant
    • -70% of microbes weight
    • -product of reactant in chemical reactions
  29. measurement of Hydrogen atoms in an environment
    -scaled from 1-14
  30. the positively charges component of an atom
  31. the part of an atom that is most involved in chemical activity is
  32. the atomic number is equal to the number of .....
  33. when a bond is formed from the sharing of electrons
  34. if electrons are gained or lost in the formation of the bond it is called
  35. charged atoms are called
  36. what type of bond holds one strain of DNA to the complement
  37. the sub units of proteins are
    amino acids
  38. if you have helixes and sheets of amino acids what type of protein structure is this?
  39. the most common are fats, a combination of fatty acid and glycerol that are solid at room temperature
  40. the purines of DNA are ?
    • adenine
    • guanine
  41. dehydration reactions are involved in the formation of ....
  42. in rNA Thymine is replaced by .....
    • uracil
    • (AU)
Card Set
Microbiology Chapters 1-6
Microbiology Chapters 1-6