Birds #10

    • American Bittern
    • - brown spots on neck
    • - speckle-blend into cattails
    • - light beak
    • Great Blue Heron
    • - black hair do
    • Great Egret
    • - larger
    • - white
    • - long yellow bill
    • Snowy Egret
    • - dark bill
    • - yellow feet
    • Cattle Egret
    • - smaller
    • - yellow crown
    • - yellow bill
    • Green Heron
    • - ginger
    • - green back and head
    • - dark beak and head

    • Black-crowned Night-Heron
    • - white, black back
    • - black crown
    • Virginia Rail
    • - silver face
    • - black cap

    • Sora
    • - (tube)
    • - black mouth
    • - light bill
    • - white bars

    • Common Moorhen
    • - black bill
    • - white wing tips

    • American Coot
    • - white bill
    • - silver belly
    • - black head

    • Solitary Sandpiper
    • - white dots (dominos/card deck)
    • - black chest spot

    • Willet
    • - (tube)
    • - thicker bill

    • Whimbrel
    • - D-curve
    • - brown speckle
    • - 2 brown crown lines

    • Hudsonian Godwit
    • - white butt
    • - Narwhal bill, point to God

    • Ruddy Turnstone
    • - white butt spots
    • - chestnut and black

    • Sanderling
    • - (snow)
    • - white with black crown, wings, back

    • Western Sandpiper
    • - (tube)
    • - detached head
    • - brown and chestnut head

    • Least Sandpiper
    • - (tube)
    • - little

    • Baird's Sandpiper
    • -(broken tube)
    • - cotton patch
    • - stick

    • Purple Sandpiper
    • - dark brown
    • - neck cheerio
    • - grey/purple under feathers

    • Dunlin
    • - (tube)
    • - red (Dublin Irish)
    • - cheerio

    • Ruff
    • - huge wide shoulder pads (Penguin from Happy Feet)
    • - white head and shoulders

    • Short-billed Dowitcher
    • - gun shot wound in chest
    • - brown cap
    • - brown eye stripes

    • American Woodcock
    • - dark patches
    • - top bill and bottom bill different length

    • Red-necked Phalarope
    • - red neck
    • - grey and white
Card Set
Birds #10
Herons, Rails, Coots, Shorebirds