Engineering Materials

  1. SAE
    Society of Automotive Engineers
  2. AISI
    American Iron and Steel Institute
  3. ASTM
    American Society of Testing and Materials
  4. What does ANSI do?
    Facilitates the development of standards and acts as the US representative to the International Standards Organization.
  5. In the four digit system that SAE and AISI use for identifying steels:
    a. The first digit represents____________
    b. The second digit represents_________
    c. The third and fourth digit represent_______
    Primary alloying element

    Percentage of primary alloying element

    The percentage of carbon content
  6. 1040 steel contains what percentage of carbon?
  7. The major classes of steels we discussed were:
    • a. Carbon Steels
    • b. Alloy Steels
    • c. HSLA Steels
    • d. Stainless Steels
    • e. Tool Steels
  8. The 11xx and 12xx classes of Carbon steels have been reformulated, invreasing Phosphorous and/or Silicon in order to improve _________. These are called ______ _______ steels.

    Free Machining
  9. While the addition of sulfur and phosphorous to steels improve machinability, they also _______ the steel.
  10. The 15xx class of Carbon steel has increased  _ to improve _________.

  11. HSLA steels have high _________ and low ____.

  12. HSLA steels ate usually 20-30% _________ than carbon steel of the same strength.
  13. HSLA steels are more resistant to  __ than most carbon steels due to their lack of ________.

  14. Tool Steels
    a.  Are used to machine other steels

    b. Contain significantly MORE alloying elements than alloy steels

    c. Are much more highly processed and refined than Carbon and Alloy Steels.
  15. Classification of tool steels is largely based on _ characteristics.
  16. The 4 major categories of Tool Steels are:
    • a. Cold Work
    • b. Shock Resisting
    • c. Hot Work
    • d. High Speed
  17. In general Tool Steels are:
    • a. More Expensive
    • b. Have better Hardenability
    • c. Are easier to Heat Treat
    • d. Are more difficult to machine
  18. A major difference between Carbon/Alloy steels and Tool steels is that Tool steels contain embedded ___________.
  19. Tool steels have high ________ and ________ resistance.

  20. Stainless Steels are alloys of _______, __________ and other elements.

  21. To be classified as a stainless steel, a steel must:
    • a. Contain a minimum of 10.5% Chromium
    • b. Exhibit passivity
  22. __________ is the spontaneous formation of a hard non-reactive surface film that inhibits further corrosion.
  23. Chromium based stainless steels were originally considered to have poor corrosion resistance because they reacted badly with ___________ _______.
    sulfuric acid
  24. _____________, do not undergo a Crystalline phase change and therefore cannot be ________ ________.
    • Ferritic SS's
    • heat treated
  25. Ferritic SS's should not be used at temperatures above 650°F because they tend to become ______.
  26. The 4 categories of Stainless steels are:
    • a. Austenitic
    • b. Duplex
    • c. Marensitic
    • d. Ferritic
  27. steels containing more than 2% carbon are called ____ _____.
    cast iron
  28. Steel with very high carbon has almost no ________. It can only be cast or machined into the desired shape.
  29. Gray cast iron has little _____ strength, but is very good in _______ applications.

  30. White cast iron is very hard and brittle. It can't be _________ or __________.

  31. Malleable cast iron is a ______ ________ version of white cast iron.
    heat treated
  32. White cast iron is made up of mostly ______.
  33. Non ferrous metals do not contain _______.
  34. __________ is one of the oldest metals known and used by man.
  35. ______ is an alloy of copper and tin.
  36. _________ is an alloy of copper and zinc.
  37. What is the purpose of adding alloying metals to copper?
    • a. Improve Strength
    • b. Improve hardness
    • c. Improve Ductility
  38. ________ is the third most abundant element on the earth, after oxygen and silicon.
  39. What metal is derived primarily from seawater?
  40. __________ ________ are extremely resistant to heat and wear.
    Refractory metals
  41. ________ is used in medical applications for artificial joint replacements.
  42. The greatest use for lead is in _______ _______.
    storage batteries
  43. _______ is often used for Galvanizing steels.
  44. ___________ is the most biocompatible metal known and has a stiffness similar to that of the human bone.
  45. ________ is the lightest of the structural metals and is used in lightweight applications where strength is required.
  46. _________ exists nowhere in nature in a pure form, and is always mixed with other elements. Properties include: corrosion resistance, lightweight, very good conductivity, and high strength-to-weight ratio.
  47. _____________ is known for its high thermal conductivity ( 10 times that of steel) and high electrical conductivity.
  48. Surface engineering as we discussed it refers to altering the surface of a material in order to:
    • Alter it's appearance
    • Alter it's dimensions
    • Alter properties
    • Reduce cost or add value
  49. Real surfaces are complex. At magnification they are covered with:
    • Dirt, dust, contaminants
    • oils
    • films
    • oxides
  50. Four major fields of Surface Engineering are:
    • Cleaning
    • Surface Modification
    • Surface Regeneration
    • Surface coating
  51. Surface cleaning can involve:
    • Washing
    • Thermal treatments
    • Co2 blasting
    • Irradiation
  52. Surface modification involves:
    • Diffusion treatments
    • Selective hardening
    • Corona treating
    • Cryo treating
  53. Surface regeneration requires things like:
    • Mechanical finishing
    • EDM
    • Remelting
  54. Surface coatings involve:
    • Paint
    • Lubricants
    • Powder Coats
    • Plastic thermal sprays
  55. Porosity is:
    voids or holes in the material that come to the surface

    oftentimes a catastrophic defect

    in powder metallurgy, it's a design in the feature
  56. Particle impingement are processes like:
    • Shot blasting
    • Sand blasting
    • Glass blasting
  57. In ____________, an electrochemical process is used to deposit another metal, like nickel or chrome, on top of a base material.
  58. One problem with electroplating is that it tends to ______ __ on the corners.
    build up
  59. ____________ _________ is only .0001 to .0002" thick, greatly improves surface hardness and significantly reduces the coefficient of friction.
    Titanium nitride
  60. ________ _________ ________  is a process that builds up the coating atom by atom.
    Physical vapor deposition
  61. Passivation is the __________ transformation of a metal's surface into the passive state, in which corrosion is strongly inhibited.
  62. _________ __________ change the surface layer of the work piece to a different chemical compound.
    Conversion coatings
  63. Conversion coatings are only __________ ______, not corrosion proof.
    corrosion resistant
  64. Some types of conversion coatings are:
    • Hot Black oxide
    • Phosphate(Parkerizing)
    • Chromate
    • Cold black oxide
Card Set
Engineering Materials
Review Questions