History 121 exam 2 Vocab

  1. New Imperialism
    The Take-over of foreign lands by western powers and Japan ,which established political control as well as economic domination
  2. Globalization
    A variety of behaviors and processes such as trade, warfare  travel, and the spread of culture, that link the worlds peoples.
  3. Colonialism
    The establishment of settler communities in areas ruled by foreign powers
  4. Business Imperialism
    The domination of Foreign economies without military or political rule
  5. Pogrom
    A systematic attack on Jews, as carried out in late 19th century Russian Empire
  6. Diaspora
    The dispersal of a population, Often resulting in large settlements in different parts of the world
  7. Cosmopolitanism
    The merging or acceptance of a variety of national and ethnic values and traditions
  8. Psychoanalysis
    A psychiatric therapy developed by Sigmund Freud; some elements such as dream interpretation were influenced by his knowledge of African and Asian practices
  9. Guomingdang
    The Chinese nationalist party founded by Sun Yatsen that overthrew the Qing Dynasty and fought to rule mainland china
  10. Total War
    The vital involvement of civilians in the war industry. the blurring of homes and battlefronts and use of industrial weaponry to destroy an enemy.
  11. Soviets
    Council of soldiers and workers  elected to represent the people in the Russian Revolution
  12. Bolshevik
    A faction of the Russian Socialist party that advocated control of revolutionary activity by the disciplined group of the party elite instead of by the working class as a whole
  13. Comintern
    An international organization of workers established by the Bolsheviks to spread communism worlwide
  14. Fourteen Points
    A proposal by U.S. president Woodrow Wilson for Peace during world war 1 based on "settlement" rather than "victory" and on the self determination of peoples
  15. League of Nations
    The international organization set up following WW1 to maintain peace by arbitrating disputes and promoting collective security
  16. Collective Security
    System of International diplomacy, especially involving peaceful resolution of disputes, established by League of Nations
  17. Mandate System
    System of regional control over former Ottoman lands awarded by the League of Nations
  18. New Economic Policy
    compromise with capitalism that allowed peasants to sell their grain on the market and entrepreneurs to engage in trade and keep the profits
  19. Fascism
    Political movement originating in postwar Italy under Mussolini that stressed the primacy of the state over the individual and the importance of violence and warfare in making nations strong
  20. Great Depression
    Economic crisis of the 1930s began in agricultural regions through a serve drop in commodity prices then went into Industrial regions with the stock market collapse in the U.S.
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History 121 exam 2 Vocab