Late Middle Ages Terms

  1. William the Conqueror
    • expanded witan= Great Council
    • Oath of Salisbury= he's the liege lord to all
    • Domesday Book= survey and census
    • devided fiefs to prevent growing power
  2. Henry II
    • brought all courts under use of travelling justices
    • founder of English common law
    • wanted to bring everyone under his control=> conflict with Thomas Beckett
  3. Simon de Montfort
    • led nobles to revolt
    • increased power thru increased representation
  4. Hugh Capet
    chosen b/c thought to be weak ruler
  5. Parlemant of Paris
    Name of Great Council under French
  6. Avignon Papacy
    • Clemency V moved papacy to Avignon
    • heavily influenced by French kings
    • led to Great Schism
  7. Canossa
    site where Henry VI is forgiven by Gregory
  8. Innocent III
    • height of papal pwr
    • called Albigensian Crusade
    • extend papal influence
    • clarify Christian doctrine- 4th Lateran Council
  9. Ferdinand and Isabella
    • unified Catholic kingdom
    • ordered expulsion of all Jews
  10. Vernacular
    language of ordinary people
  11. 100 Years' War
    • 1066 but switched around
    • created longbow and canon
    • at first England was winning
    • France won with Joan of Arc
  12. Thomas Beckett
    • friend of Henry II
    • wanted to keep clergy under canon courts
  13. Edward I
    made Model Parliament
  14. Ile de France
    small territory belonging to Hugh Capet
  15. Philip IV
    • extended taxes to newly gained lands
    • fought wars with England to regain western territory
    • forced nobles to pay
    • water to tax clergy- another battle btwn him and Boniface VIII
  16. Otto I
    • defeated Magyars
    • married Italian queen
    • crowned by pope like Charlemagne
    • did investiture so clergy would administer territories
  17. Concordant of Worms
    Fight btwn Gregory and Henry IV
  18. Urban II
    • called Crusades
    • created Church bureaucracy
    • created miltary influence of church
  19. Magna Carta
    • primarily for elite
    • everyone subject to law
    • habeas corpus
    • rights of life, liberty, property ensured
    • no taxation w/o representation
    • step towards constitutionalism
    • right to speedy trial
  20. Philip Augustus
    • regained much of French territory
    • copied travelling judges of England
    • Chambre de Comptes- Exchequer
  21. Estates General
    • similar to parliament
    • composed of clergy, nobles, townsmen
    • wasn't same as Parliament
  22. Great Schism
    two popes then three popes! :O
  23. Scutage
    money insted of military service
  24. common law
    law same for all people
  25. power of the purse
    Parliament power to approve gov. spending
  26. Redbeard
    • consolidated strong imperial demesne
    • subdue nobles
    • wanted to rule Italy (unsuccessful)
    • wanted to reunite Germany and Italy
    • N. Italain city states formed Lombard League
  27. Thomas Aquinas
    • described perfect world
    • wrote Summa Theologica and Utopia
    • some things must be accepted by faith
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Late Middle Ages Terms
History Late Middle Ages Terms