types of shock
- cardiogenic
- hypovolemic
- distributive
shock presentations
- systemic inflm response syndrome
- SBP < 90 or a decrease > 60 from baseline
- oliguria (incr BUN, Scr, urine <0.5ml/kg/hr)
- metabolic acidosis
- cutaneous vasoconstriction
- mental confusion (agitation, stupor, or coma)
SIRS presentations include
- HR > 90 (tachycardia)
- RR > 20 bpm or PaCO2 < 32 mmgHg
- WBC > 12,000, <4,000 or bands > 10%
- Temp < 36(96.8) or > 38(100.4)
the most common type of shock
hypovolemic shock
hypovolemic shock manifestation and compensation
- decrease IV volume, venous return, CO
- increase contractility, HR, SVR
1000 ml of NS infused leads to how much expansion
250 ml
1000 ml of LR infused leads to how much expansion
250 ml
1000 mL D5W infused leads to how much expansion
100 mL
500 ml of albumin 5% infused leads to how much expansion
500 mL
100 ml of albumin 25% infused leads to how much expansion
500 mL
500 ml of hetastarch 6% infused leads to how much expansion
500 mL
manifestations of cardiogenic shock
- decreased CO and BP
- increased SVR
- increased HR
- cold extremeties
- pulmonary congestion
what is distributive shock
peripheral vascular dilation causes fall in SVR which leads to a normal or increased CO and low BP
causes of distributive shock
- septic shock
- anaphylactic shock
- neurogenic shock
- acute adrenal insufficiency
b1 agonism
increase HR, CO, and contractility
a1 agonism
increase SVR and MAP
dopamine agonism
increase urine output
vasopressin hemodynamic effect
increase SVR, MAP, urine output
renal dose of dopamine
low dose (< or = 3 mcg/kg/min)
intermediate dose of dopamine
3-10 mcg stimulates B receptors in the heart
high dose of DA
> 10 mcg/kg/min stimulates alpha receptors in the systemic and pulmonary system
indications for DA
cardiogenic and septic shock
DA is an alternative to NE in which pts
ONLY in pts with low risk for tachycardia or pts with bradycardia
AE of DA
- tachyarrhythmia
- ischemic limb necrosis
- decrease gastric emptying
pressor of choice for septic shock
IND for NE
hypotension refractory to fluid resuscitation
AE of NE
- tachyarrhythmia (less compared to DA)
- myocardial ischemia
- tissue necrosis and sloughing
what is the first line alt to NE in septic shock
Epinephrine (can be added or sub)
AE of Epinephrine
- tachyarrhythmia
- hyperlactemia
- decrease splanchnic blood flow
what drug is the second alt to NE in refractory septic shock
phenylephrine (especially in pts who cant tolerate tachycardia)
AE of Phenylephrine
- palpitations
- paresthesia
Vasopressin MOA
- acts on Vasopressin 1 and 2 receptors
- direct peripheral vasoconstriction
indication of vasopressin
add on agent to vasopressors in refractory septic shock
which vasopressor is not indicated as a monotherapy
AE of vasopressin
- drowsiness
- confusion
- water intoxication
- splanchnic ischemia
Dobutamine MOA
- binds to B1-increase CO, SV and decrease SVR
- weakly binds to B2- slight peripheral vasodilation
indications of dobutamine
- cardiogenic shock
- septic shock
AE of dobutamine
- tachycardia (less compared to DA)
- myocardial ischemia
- tachyphylaxis
- hypokalemia
- hypotension
Milrinone brand name
milrinone MOA
inhibits cAMP breakdown in the hear to increase CO and in vascular smooth muscle to decrease SVR
indication for primacor
- acute decompensated HF -- cardiogenic shock
- preferred to dobutamine in pts on chronic B-blocker therapy
if a pt presents with acute decompensated HF and is on b-blockers which drug is preferred to tx
AE of Milrinone
- hypotension
- thrombocytopenia
- tachycardia
indication for vasodilators (Nipride, NTG)
acute decompensated HF -- cardiogenic shock
AE of sodium nitroprusside
- hypotension
- cyanide
- thiocyanate toxicity
- reflex tachycardia
- hypotension
- HA
- tachyphylaxis
- reflex tachycardia