Chapter 4 TEST

  1. What is an element?
    a pure substance that cannot be seperated into simplier substances by physical or simplier means
  2. What is a pure substance?
    a substance in which there is only one type of particle
  3. Does an element have more than one type of particle?
  4. Name three elements
    Gold, Boron, Thallium, Carbon, Hydrogen, Helium, Cobalt, Silicon, Neon, Radium, Sodium
  5. Does every element have similiar properties?
    No, every elemetnt has unique properties
  6. How are elements classified?
    by their properties
  7. Name the three major categories of elements
    • metals
    • metalloids
    • nonmetals
  8. True or False?
    are elements grouped into categories?
  9. Name the properties of Metals
    • shiny
    • good condutors of thermal and electric current
    • malleable
    • ductile
  10. Name the properties of Metalloids
    • has properties of both nonmetals and metals
    • somewhat shiny or dull
    • somewhat malleable and ductile
    • some conduct thermal and eletric current
  11. Name properties of Nonmetals
    • dull
    • poor conductors of electric and thermal current
    • brittle
    • unmalleable
  12. What is a compound?
    a pure substance composed of two or more elements that are chemically combined
  13. Name some familiar compounds
    • - table salt
    • - water
    • - sugar
    • - carbon dioxide
    • - baking soda
  14. Do elements combine in a Definite Ratio to Form a compound?
  15. Are compounds random combination of elements?
  16. How would you write the ratio for water (hyrdrogen to oxygen)
    • 1- hydrogen
    • 8- oxygen
    • 1:8
  17. What are the ratio of elements based upon?
    their masses
  18. True or False
    Every Compund has a unique set of properties
  19. What are an elements characteristic properties?
    includes physical and chemical properties
  20. True or False
    Does a compund have the same properties as their elements that formed it
  21. Can compounds be broken down into simplier substances?
    Yes, by chemical means (chemical changes)
  22. How can compounds be broken down into simplier substances?
    by chemical changes NOT physical changes.
  23. Am I made of compounds?
  24. What are proteins?
    they are compounds found in all living things
  25. Can compounds be formed in factories
  26. What is a mixture?
    is a combination of two or more substances that are NOT chemically combined.
  27. A mixture is something that is chemically combined
  28. Name some common techniques for separating mixtures
    • Distillation- a process that seperates a mixture based on the boiling points of the componets
    • magnet- can be used to seperate a mixture of the elements iron and aluminum
    • centrifuge- the componets that make up blood are seperated using a machine by their desity
  29. Do substances in a mixture retain their identity?
  30. Name 3 examples of a mixture
    • pizza
    • granite
    • iron fillinngs and sawdust
  31. Are compounds mixtures?
  32. What can mixtures be?
    (elements, compounds, or both)
    All choices given
  33. Are mixtures formed using a set mass ratio of components?
    No, they are formed using any ratio of components.
  34. What is a solution?
    a mixture that apperard to be a single substance.
  35. Define Matter
    anything that has a mass and volume
  36. Define Atoms
    • The building blocks of matter
    • Made of protons and nuetrons
  37. Define Molecules
    Two or more atoms are joined together chemically. Elements can be different or the same
  38. Define Compound
    A molecule that has two or more different elements bonded together
  39. Define Heterogeneous
    • Parts do not combine completely or evenly
    • Example: sand and water
  40. Define Homogeneous
    • Uniform distribution
    • Example: sugar in water
  41. Define Mixture
    • No chemical change
    • Each keeps its own properties
    • Can be seperated
  42. Define Solute
    • The substance to be dissolved
    • Ex: Sugar
  43. Define solvent
    • The one doing the dissovling
    • Ex: Water
  44. Define Colloid
    particles are larger than in a solution but do not settle out
  45. Define Suspension
    Can see the particles with naked eye and they will settle out over time
  46. True or False
    A substance that is soluble, or able to dissolve, in the solvent
  47. True or false
    A substance that is insoluble or unable to dissolve, forms a mixture that is homogeneous and therefor is not a solution
  48. Is salt water a solution?
  49. For salt water, what is the solvent and what is the solute?
    • Water: solvent
    • salt: solute
  50. True or False?
    When two liquids or two gases form a solution, the substance with the greater volume is the solute.
  51. Are particles in a solute big?
  52. Name some examples of solutions
    air, steel, soft drinks, antifreeze, saltwater, brass
  53. What are alloys?
    are solid solutions of metals or nonmetals dissolved in metals.
  54. What is concertration?
    a measure of the amount of solute dissolved in a solvent
  55. Can solutions be described as concentrated and dilute?
  56. What is an example of a suspension?
    Snow Globe, Peptobismol
  57. What type of mixture is a substance if it says "shake well before use"?
  58. Are the particles in a suspension small?
  59. How can a suspension be seperated?
    By passing through a filter
  60. What is an example of colloid?
    fruty gelatin, whipped cream
  61. What can be used to make colloids?
    Solids liquids and gases
  62. Can a colloid be seperated through a process of filtration?
    No, the particles are too small, unlike a suspension, they can
  63. What is one way of making a solute dissolve faster?
    mixing, heating, crushing
  64. Elements that are brittle and dull are ___________.
  65. Which of the following increases the solubility of a gas in a liquid?
    a. increasing the temp
    b. stirring
    c. decreasing the temp
    d. none of the above
    A, increasing the temp
  66. A dilute solution will contain less solute
    True or False
  67. A concentrated solution will contain more solute.
    True or False
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Chapter 4 TEST
Chapter 4 science test