psyc 270

  1. what is allports definitiion of social psychology?
    and what is aronsons definition ?
    allports: the scientificc study of the way in which peoples thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the real or imagined presence of other people

    aronsons: the influence that people have on the beliefs feelings and behavior of others
  2. personality psychologists focus on the person's
    • on the person's individual differences as the most
    • important influence
  3. social psychologists

    • focus on SOCIAL INFLUENCE:

    • the powerful influence of others (the social situation)

    • as construed by the person

  4. what are the problems of relying on common sense
    hindsight bias - which is a documented psychological phenomenon in which people exaggerate the predictability of an event after it has already happened. ex "i told you so "
  5. what are the points that social psycology focusses on
    • biological-
    • social cognition-how social psyc affects us mentally
    • evolutionary - how we have evolved socially
    • sociocultural- how are culture effects us socially
  6. what is the fundamental principle for behavior in soc psyc, and who is by
    • behavior = situation + person
    • behavior= factors (person and enviorment,)
    • kurt lewis
  7. how does social psyc define are relation with other people?
    • we are beings and we live in the presence of others
    • we are affeced differently by others based on how we percieve them
    • we act differently around people than we do by ourselves
  8. what does the person factor of social psyc take into acount?
    • culture
    • individual differences
    • perception and social inerpetation
  9. according to social psyc what are the indivudual differences we all share
    nature vs. nuture - which is the our genetics vs our development

    cognitive ability- our ability to think

    temparament- things about our personality that are innate, like our tendency to be outgoing

    disposition - self esteem and personality big five
  10. construal , and the motives that go along with it
    • : The way in which people perceive, comprehend, and
    • interpret the social world.
    • Can also refer to how
    • they see themselves.

    • Motives
    • Our need to belong
    • To maintain a
    • positive view of ourselves: Self-Esteem
    • To view the world
    • accurately: Social Cognition
    • Our need for control
  11. Self-esteem
    • people’s evaluation
    • of their own self-worth
    • The extent to which
    • they view themselves as good,, competent and decent
  12. what are strong situations
    situations where we know how to act basaed on the influence of the siuation. ex. funerals
  13. weak situation
    where your behavior based on who you are. ex lounges
  14. Fundamental
    Attribution Error
    • The
    • tendency to overestimate the extent to which people’s behavior is due to
    • internal, dispositional factors, and to underestimate the role of situational
    • factors
  15. Why
    do people underestimate the situation?

    • So they can convince themselves they would not engage in
    • a behavior they find deplorable (e.g., everyone is influenced by commercials but not
    • me!)

    • By failing to appreciate the power of the situation
    • people may miss the true causes of behaviors and become more vulnerable
  16. what makes social psycology a science
    • Do not rely on folk wisdom, common sense, or opinions
    • Test ideas about
    • human social behavior empirically and systematically
    • Use experimental methods: the variables being studied
    • are carefully controlled.
Card Set
psyc 270
test 1