Chapter 21

  1. The oldest lunar features are _____
  2. The formation of the solar system from a huge cloud of dust annd gases is called ______
    Nebular hypothesis
  3. Bright splash marks radiating outward for hundreds of kilometers from large lunar craters are called ______
    rayed craters
  4. THe maria lowlands on the Moon are most like _________
    Lava flooding the surface
  5. When viewed from Earth, the darker areas on the Moon are called ________.
  6. Most of the Moon's craters were produced by _____.
    Meteroid impact
  7. What are the terrestrial plantes
    Mercury, Venus,Earth, Mars
  8. What is the last prominent feature formed on the surface of the moon
    rayed craters
  9. What causes the large craters on the moon compared to the Earth?
    no atmosphere on the moon
  10. The Jovian planets contain a large percentage of the
    hydrogen and helium
  11. The youngest lunar feature is _____.
    maria basins
  12. ______ is more proportionally more abundant on terrestrial planets than on Jovian planets?
    Silicant minerals
  13. Brightly densed cratered regions on the surface of the moonn are
  14. Frozen carbon dioxide is characteristic of
    Terrestrial planets
  15. What is believed to have hit the Earth to produce the moon?
    an asteroid
  16. How long ago do scientists believe the solar formed?
    5 billion yrs ago
  17. During which phase of lunar development did the maria form?
  18. The most obvious lunar surface feature are
  19. Which catagory of plantes have a high escape velocity?
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Chapter 21
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