Sikhism/Islam Terms

  1. 5 K's
    (n.) the five physical markers of Sikhs initiated into the Khalsa: uncut hair, comb, bracelet, dagger (kirpan), and under-trousers
  2. Adi Granth
    (n.) the holy book of Sikhs, also called “Guru Granth” or “Guru Granth Sahib”
  3. Allah
    (n.) the primary Muslim name for God
  4. communalism
    (n.) violence between religious communities in the subcontinent, or contentious efforts towards religious supremacy
  5. dagger
    (n.) one of the 5 K’s worn by Sikhs in the Khalsa, especially contentious in Western contexts such as air travel
  6. Ek onkar
    (n.) “one eternal reality”: a term expressing the Sikh commitment to a unified God; the opening statement of the Guru Granth, and the beginning of Sikh morning meditations; also written variously Ik Omkar, Ikk Oan Kar…
  7. Golden Temple
    (n.) the foremost Sikh temple, located in the city of Amritsar
  8. Guru Granth Sahib
    (n.) alternate name for the Sikh holy book (= the honored book-guru)
  9. Guru Nanak
    (n.) founder of Sikhism
  10. gurudwara
    (n.) term for a Sikh worship space, literally “gate/passage to the guru(s)”
  11. hadith
    (n.) a story (or the collection of stories) about the deeds and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, used to supplement and interpret the Qur’an
  12. hajj
    (n.) the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina
  13. Hussein
    (n.) grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, whose death in the 7th century helped prompt the split between Sunnis and Shi’is, and is commemorated in Muharram celebrations
  14. imam
    (n.) a learned person and Muslim community leader; often the worship leader in a mosque
  15. Islam
    (n.) religion founded by the prophet Muhammad
  16. Islamic
    (adj.) descriptor for things associated with Islam: Islamic art, Islamic architecture
  17. Khalsa
    (n.) the order into which Sikhs can be initiated. Members of the Khalsa may be either male or female, and are enjoined to adopt the 5 Ks.
  18. kirpan
    (n.) the name of the Sikh dagger
  19. langar
    (n.) the kitchen attached to Sikh gurudwaras, to provide free meals and the opportunity to eat communally
  20. martyr
    (n.) someone who has died for his/her religious convictions; a term used to describe two of the Sikh gurus, as well as Hussein in Muslim traditions
  21. masjid
    (n.) Arabic term for a Muslim place of worship; a mosque
  22. mosque
    (n.) Muslim place of worship
  23. Mughal/Mogul
    (n.) a group of Muslims, originally from Central Asia, who conquered and ruled India from the 16th to 18th centuries; or (adj.) a descriptor of their practices or styles (e.g. Mughal art);

    Note: Mughal emperor Shah Jahan was responsible for the Taj Mahal
  24. Muhammad
    (n.) the founder of Islam, the author/recipient of the Qur’an, the ‘seal of the prophets’; also alternately spelled Mohamed, Mohammed…
  25. Muharram
    (n.) a month in the Muslim calendar, during which time Shi’i Muslims celebrate the martyrdom of Hussein
  26. Muslim
    (n.) an adherent to Islam; or (adj.) descriptor for a [noun] relating to Islam, such as “Muslim pilgrimage” or “Muslim calendar”
  27. Partition
    (n.) when the British relinquished colonial control over India in 1947, the process by which British India was divided into India and Pakistan, based on religious lines
  28. Qur'an
    (n.) the holy book of Islam, held to be the word of Allah as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad
  29. Ramadan
    (n.) the ninth month of the Muslim calendar, during which time Muslims fast from sun-up to sun-down
  30. sharia
    (n.) Muslim religious law, which is binding only to Muslims. Sharia can cover both criminal law and family/morality law. In many Muslim contexts, sharia is practiced as a supplement to civil law.
  31. Shi'i/Shia/Shiite
    (n.) a branch of Islam, comprising perhaps as much as a fifth of the world’s Muslims, which broke from Sunni Islam after the Prophet’s death in order to follow his son, Ali.
  32. Sikh
    (n.) literally a “student” (or follower) of Sikhism; or (adj.) pertaining to Sikhism
  33. Sufi
    (n.) the mystical tradition of Islam, which may be Sunni, Shi’i, or mixed. Features holy men believed to cultivate ecstatic states and commune directly with God.
  34. Sunni
    (n.) the majority tradition of Islam, dominant worldwide, including in Pakistan, Indonesia, and within India’s minority Muslim community
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Sikhism/Islam Terms
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