Chapter 9 - Spanish irregular participles

  1. to open / opened
    abrir / abierto
  2. to cover / covered
    cubrir / cubierto
  3. to say / said; to tell / told
    decir / dicho
  4. to write / written
    escribir / escrito
  5. to do / done; to make / made
    hacer / hecho
  6. to die / died; dead
    morir / muerto
  7. to put / put
    poner / puesto
  8. to solve / solved
    resolver / resuelto
  9. to break / broken
    romper / roto
  10. to see / seen
    ver / visto
  11. to return; to go,come back / returned
    volver / vuelto
  12. to describe / described
    describir / descrito
  13. to return (something); to give,put back / returned
    devolver / devuelto
  14. to enroll / enrolled
    inscribir / inscrito
  15. to put back / put back
    reponer / repuesto
  16. to suppose / supposed
    suponer / supuesto
Card Set
Chapter 9 - Spanish irregular participles
spanish irregular participles