220 abdomen

  1. RUQ
    •  liver,
    • gallbladder,
    • part of the pancreas,
    • duodenum,
    • part of the transverse colon,
    • and the right kidney and part of its ureter
  2. RLQ
    • ascending colon
    • appendix
    • part of the right ureter
    • ovary and fallopian tube
    • right spermatic cord
  3. LUQ
    • part of the pancreas
    • spleen
    • part of the transverse colon
    • left lobe of the liver
    • stomach
    • left kidney and part of its ureter
    • part of the urinary bladder
  4. LLQ
    • sigmoid colon
    • descending colon
    • ovary and fallopian tube
    • part of the left ureter
    • part of the urinary bladder
    • and left spermatic cord
  5. midline abdomen contains
    • aorta
    • ascending vena cava
    • uterus if enlarged
    • urinary bladder if distended
  6. hollow viscera =
    • stomach
    • gallbladder
    • small intestine
    • colon
    • bladder
  7. solid viscera =
    • liver
    • pancreas
    • spleen
    • adrenal glands
    • kidneys
    • ovaries
    • uterus
  8. health history questions
    • appetite
    • dysphagia
    • food intolerance
    • abdominal pain
    • nausea/vomiting
    • bowel habits
    • abdominal history
    • medications
    • nutritional assessment
  9. midline abdominal regions
    • epigastric
    • umbilical
    • hypogastric/suprapubic
  10. constipation =
    no elimination of stool greater than 3 days
  11. dysphagia =
    difficulty swallowing
  12. pyrosis =
  13. hematemesis
    vomiting blood
  14. melana =
    black tarry feces associated with upper Gi bleed
  15. anorexia =
    no hunger / no eating
  16. questions for aging adults
    • ˜How do you obtain your groceries and prepare your meals?˜
    • Who do you eat with˜24 hr recall.  (different at end of month?)˜
    • Dysphagia?
    • ˜How often do your bowels move?
    • ˜Do you take or do something to help bowels move
  17. objective data for abdominal assessment
    • ˜Contour
    • ˜Symmetry˜
    • Umbilicus
    • ˜Skin˜
    • Pulsation or movement˜
    • Hair distribution
    • ˜Demeanor
  18. what relaxes the abdominal wall for the assessment
    • Do not let legs hang over table
    • put a pillow underneath the table
  19. what should you do after inspecting the abdomen
  20. contour of abdomen =
    • flat
    • scaphoid = sinking in of abdomen
    • rounded = like small baby bump or pouch
    • protuberant =  very rounded abdomen
  21. to hear bruits use which side of stethescope
  22. bimanual palpation =
    using two hands to palpate
  23. blumberg's sign =
    • rebound tenderness
    • peritonitis appendicitis
  24. Murphys sign
    • pain arrests the patients breathing
    • pt shallow breathing
  25. Iliopsoas muscle test =
    movement of hip casues pain in the abdomen
  26. organomegaly
    organ enlargement
  27. hernia =
    weakness of the abdominal wall
  28. Diastaasis recti =
    • ventral hernia
    • when pt sits up you see a protuberants at midline of the abdomen
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220 abdomen
220 abdomen