Physio: Endocrine System

  1. Difference between endocrine and exocrine secretion
    Endocrine: Direct release of chemicals into body tissue spaces or fluids.  No duct pathway

    Exocrine: release of chemicals to a location outside the body.  Has a duct that leads the chemicals there.
  2. List the Major Endocrine Organs of the body.  (there are 16)
    Epiphysis (pineal), Hypothalmus, Anterior and Posterior Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid, thymus, heart, liver, adrenal medulla, adrenal cortex, pancreas, kidney, gut, ovary, placenta, testes.
  3. Know all the hormones, where they are produced, and their primary effects on the body.
  4. Name the 5 hormones that violate the classical definition of a hormone.
    • 1. Prostaglandins
    • 2. Growth factors and Oncogene products
    • 3. APUdoma
    • 4. Vitamin D
    • 5. Renin-angiotensin system
  5. Difference between a glycoprotein and a protein/peptide.
    Glycoproteins are proteins that have carbohydrate side chains whereas proteins and peptides do not.
  6. What is the hormone-family concept?
    Groups of similar proteins with similar genes that can therefore cross react with each others receptors and have similar effects
  7. Biogenic amines, steriods, and iodinated amino acids are made how?
    Biogenic amines: decarboxylating amino acids (catecholamines)

    Steroids: derivations from cholesterol

    Iodinated Amio Acids: modified tyrosine amino acids that are bound to iodine.
  8. hormones of pineal, posterior and anterior pituitary glands, and the thyroid.
    pineal: melatonin

    anterior: GH, TSH, ACTH, PRL, B-endorphin, B-LPH, MSH, FSH

    Posterior: Oxytocin, AVP

    Thyroid: CT, T3
  9. Proteins and amines are hydro____ they attach to __________ receptors and initiate ________________ to change cellular activity.
    • 1. philic
    • 2. transmembrane/membrane
    • 3. secondary messangers
  10. Steriods and iodinated hormones work slower/faster have longer/shorter lasting effects than proteins and amines, are hydro____, and once attached to receptors on the DNA or mitochondrial DNA, __________
    slower, longer, phobic, change DNA transcription and thereby alter protein levels in the cell.
  11. Name the 4 types of hormone secretion regulation.
    • 1. endogenous rhythms
    • 2. endocrine regulation
    • 3. substrate regulation
    • 4. negative feedback
  12. Steroid, thyroid, and small peptide hormones are often bound to ________ which are made in the _______
    carrier proteins/hormone binding globulins

  13. What are the effects of hormone binding globulins?
    1. increase [ ] of a hormone in the plasma

    2. increase the half life of hormones in the plasma

    3. allow tissues throughout the body to be exposed to similar [ ] of a hormone.
  14. What is up and down regulation?
    Cells using exocytosis (up) to expose transmembrane binding receptors and endocytosis (down) to hide them inside the cell.
  15. Agonist effects can be broken down into ____ categories which are ___________



  16. Antagonist effects can be broken down into _____ and ____
    Competitive, noncompetitive
  17. Excessive exposure to hormones can do what to a cell?
    The cell will become desensitized to the effect of the hormone.
  18. Thyroid hormones are regulated with?
    deiodinase enzymes
  19. How are steroid hormones changed to make them easier to excrete?
    They are either modified or conjugated to glucuronides or sulfates to make them more water soluble.
  20. What are neurosecretory cells?
    Nerve cells in the hypothalmus that have their axon terminals positioned next to capillary blood vessels.
  21. List the pathway of hormones that are excreted at the median eminance.
    Median eminance -> hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal vessel -> anterior pituitary
  22. Name the two hormones produced by the posterior pituitary gland, their hormone family, and their similarities
    1. oxytocin, vasopressin

    2. OT-AVP hormone family

    3. Both stimulate smooth muscle and share 7 of their 9 amino acids
  23. Name the glycoprotein hormones
    • 1. growth hormone
    • 2. follicle stimulating hormone
    • 3. lutienizing hormone
  24. What protein, produced by the anterior pituitary, can be broken down into several hormones?
  25. The thyroid is made up of what kinds of cells and what do they do?
    Thyroid follicles/follicular cells.   They absorb iodine, attach it to tyrosine to make thyroglobulin and secrete it into the follicular lumen where the tyrosine parts of the thyroglobulin bond and form T3 and T4, but are still part of thyroglobulin
  26. 3 categories of endocrine disorders.
    • 1. hyperactivity
    • 2. hypoactivity
    • 3. inappropriate activity
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Physio: Endocrine System
The endocrine system