respiratory system

  1. what is the slit-like passageway between the vocal folds?
  2. what is the space between the visceral pleura and the parietal pleura?
    pleural cavity
  3. what protects the larynx?
    thyroid cartilage
  4. what is the commonmn passageway for food and air?
  5. why is the cartilage in the trachea shaped like a "c"?
    to protect the trachea and allow expansion for fod passage in the nearby esophagus
  6. where are the tonsils located?
  7. what is the term for normal breathing?
  8. what is the term for fast breathing?
  9. what is the term for the temporary cessation of breathing?
  10. what is the term for difficult breathing?
  11. in which organelle does cellular respiration occur?
  12. where does external respiration takes place?
    between lungs and outside air, alveoli and capillary gas exchange at the respiratory membrane.
  13. where does internal respiration take place?
    between capillaries and the cells
  14. name six types of non-respiratory air movements.
    coughing, sneezing, yawning, laughing,crying,hiccups,
  15. what is the back of the throat?
  16. what is the junction between the back of the throat and the mouth?
  17. what is the junction between the nasal cavity and the back of the throat?
  18. what is the junction between the voice box and the back of the throat?
  19. where does carbon monoxide bind on the red blood cell?
    hemoglobin-same place as oxygen
  20. what is the insufficient delivery of oxygen to tissue?
  21. how long is strep throat contagious if not treated?
    21 days
  22. what are the tiny air sacs in grape-like clusters in the lungs?
  23. which disease caused mainly by smokin directly affects the alveoli causing hyperinflation?
  24. what are the main gases in the atmosphere?
    78% nitrogen, 21%oxygen
  25. what is the term for windpipe?
  26. what are the branches off the trachea?
  27. what is the inflammation of the bronchial tree?
  28. what is an allergic response that causes spasms and construction of the bronchioles resulting in difficulty breathing?
  29. what are three functions of the nose?
    warms, filters, and moistens inspired air.
  30. what is the purpose of the cartilaginous rings of the trachea and bronchi?
    to keep the airway open
  31. what is the most inferior region of the pharynx?
  32. what is the adams apple?
    protustion in the neck, more prominent in males due to testerone, created by the thyroid cartilage.
  33. what usually kills victims of fires?
    carbon monoxide poisoning
  34. what accounts for 1/3 of all deaths in the US?
    Lung cancer
  35. what is the treatment for carbon monoxide poisoning?
    giving the person 100% oxygen til the CO has been cleared from the body
  36. how many second-hand deaths are caused in he US each yr.?
  37. what is the term for the collapse of the lung?
  38. what causes atelectasis?
    pneumothorax caused by a puncture wound
  39. what covers the glottis?
  40. what is the function of the epiglottis?
    to protect the airway from aspiration of food or water
  41. which two regions of the brain are involved in breathing?
    medulla oblongata, pons
  42. what is the term for a spasm in the diagram that forces air against the vocal cords?
  43. what does a spirometer measure?
    exhaled air
  44. what is the main function of the respiratory system?
    gas exchange
  45. what is the intended product of cellular respiration?
  46. what are the waste products of cellular respiration?
    carbon dioxide and water
  47. what type of hypoxia involves erythrocytes?
    anemic hypoxia
  48. which type of hypoxia involves blockage of air flow?
    stagnant hypoxia
  49. what type of respiration involves interaction between alveoli and lung capillaries?
    external respiration
  50. what type of respiration involves interaction between capillaries and cells?
    internal respiration
  51. what two diseases may result from untreated strep throat?
    rheumatic fever and scarlet fever
  52. what involve3s permanent damage to the heart?
    rheumatic fever
  53. what are the two main breathing muscles?
    diaphragm and intercostal muscles
  54. in which lung disease is there reduced pleural fluid and increased friction rub?
  55. what is the shape of the diaphragm in resting position?
    dome shaped
  56. what does the suffix coccus mean?
  57. when is the only time all alveoli are inflated?
  58. what does the prefix strep mean?
  59. what does the streptococcus mean?
    chains of sperically shaped bacteria
  60. what maneuver is used to dislodge food blocking the air way?
    heimlich maneuver
  61. what is the membrane that covers the lungs?
    visceral pleura
  62. what is the membrane just beyond the pleural cavity?
    parietal pleura
Card Set
respiratory system
anatomy test