chapter 10 kine (knee)

  1. what type of joint is the knee
    hinge joint
  2. More weight bearing bone, TIBIA or FIBULA ??
  3. function of the patella serve?
    pulley to improve angle of pull. Resulting in greater mechanical advantage in knee extension
  4. Explain the medial meniscus (full ANAtomical name, location, shape, how it is injuried)

    • -Larger and more open C appearance
    • -receptacle for medial femoral condyle

    -Injured; compression and shear forces during rotation and changing direction
  5. Explain the Lateral Meniscus (full ANAtomical name, location, shape, how it is injuried)
    • -Closed C configuration
    • -receptacle for lateral femoral condyle

    -injured: compression and shear forces during rotation and changing direction
  6. (full ANAtomical name, location, shape, how it is injuried)

    • ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament)
    •    -INJURY: -
    •            -non contact rotary forces with  planting and cutting
    •            - hyper extension
    •            -violent quad contraction
    •    -crosses withing knee between the tibia    and femur
    •     -important for maintaining anterior stability
  7. (full ANAtomical name, location, shape, how it is injuried)

    • PCL (Posterior Cruciate Ligament)
    •    cross within knee between tibia and femur (posterior)
    •    maintaining posterior stability and rotatory stability
    •    INJURY: Direct contact w/opponent or playing surfaces
  8. (full ANAtomical name, location, shape, how it is injuried)

    • LCL (Fibular (lateral) Collteral Ligament)
    •      Lateral side of the knee and it is rounded
    •      Stretches obliquely downward and backward
    •      Injury- Varus forces across the knee
  9. (full ANAtomical name, location, shape, how it is injuried)

    • MCL (Tibial (Medial) Collateral ligament)
    •     stability by resisting valgus forces or preventing knee form abducted
    •     contact or collision sport where force is applied inward
  10. Explain the Q angle?
    • central line of pull for all the quad
    • Normal angle = 15<less males    20<less for females
    • Higher Q angles = future knee problems
    • ppl w/High Q angle should develop strength in muscle around the knee and Hip
  11. 3 Muscles, movement, exercises

    Rectus femoris muscle
    • Rectus femoris muscle-
    •    flexion of the hip
    •    extension of knee
    •    anterior pelvic rotation
    • Exercises-
    •    knee extension
  12. 3 Muscles, movement, exercises

    Vastus intermedius muscle
    • Movement-
    •   knee extension
    • exercises-
    •   knee extension (leg)
  13. 3 Muscles, movement, exercises

    Vastus medialis muscle
    • Movements-
    •   knee extension
    • Exercises-
    •   leg extensions
  14. Quads fucntion as what during running and changing direction?
    What do they prevent when landing?
    • Decreasing speed to change direction
    • prevent damage to knee joint due to shock
  15. Explain PATELLOFEMORAL stability
    • Problem bc quads are prone to atrophy when injuries occur
    •   resisted knee extension activities from seated position to help stabilize
    •   strength and endurance should be trained
  16. What is VMO? What muscle is VMO? When is VMO emphasized?
    • important for maintaining patellofemoral stability bc oblique attachment of distal fibers to superior medial patella
    • emphasized last 10-20 degrees of knee extension
  17. Muscle group, RUNNING MUSCLE
    • Hamstrings
    •   Semitendinous
    •   Biceps femoris
    •   Semimembranosus
Card Set
chapter 10 kine (knee)
knee joint and muscles