
  1. Authority
    [PMBOK.427] The right to be able to assign project resources, expend funds, make decisions, or give approvals
  2. Closing Processes [Process Group]
    [PMBOK.428] Those processes performed to finalize all activities across all Project Management Process Groups to formally close the project or phase.
  3. Co-location [Technique]
    [PMBOK.429] An organizational placement strategy where the project team members are physically located close to one another in order to improve communication, working relationships, and productivity.
  4. Control
    [.] Analyze variances between actual performance and planned performance to effect improvements
  5. Criteria
    [.] Standars to which project variables are compared for acceptability
  6. Customer
    [.] The individual, group, or company that will own the work of the project when it is complete. May or may not be the end user
  7. Enterprise
    [.] A company, business, or other formal structure that encompasses a business function
  8. Enterprise Environmental Factors (Output/Input)
    [.] Any internal or external organization factors that can influence the project success Examples: company culture, the business market conditions, technology, and project management software
  9. Executing Processes
    [.] Processes performed to complete the work defined in the Project Mgmt Plan to satisfy the project objectives
  10. Functional Manager
    [.] A manager of a department or unit in a functional organization--also called a line manager
  11. Functional Organization
    [PMBOK.28] A hierarchical organization where each employee has one clear superior, and staff are grouped by areas of specialization and managed by a person with expertise in that area.
  12. Goods
    [.] Products that have been created and are available for purchase
  13. Historical Information
    [.] Information from pervious projects that can be used to learn from success and failure
  14. Influencer
    [.] A person or organization that is not necessarily directly related to the project but can influence the project in either a good or bad way
  15. Initiating Processes
    [.] Processes performed to define a new project or a new phase…by obtaining authorization to start the project or phase
  16. Initiator
    [.] An organization or individual authorized and capable of starting a project
  17. Management by Projects
    [.] Performing day-to-day operations by a project management approach
  18. Matrix Organizational Structure
    [.] A structure within a company where people are organized by (and report to) a combination of Project and Functional Managers
  19. Methodology
    [.] A system of practices, techniques, procedures, and rules used by those who work in a discipline.
  20. Monitoring and Controlling Processes
    [.] Processes required to track, review, and regulate the progress and performance of the project, identify areas where changes to the plan are required and initiating the changes
  21. Operations
    [.] The day-to-day repeatable activities that a company performs
  22. Organization
    [.] A group of people formed for the purpose of performing work withing a company or enterprise
  23. Organizational Process Assets
    [.] The various process-related assets from the organizations involved in the project work: can include templates, documentation, methods and procedures, and policies
  24. Performing Organization
    [.] The entitiy whose personnel are most directly involved in performing the work of the project
  25. Planning Processes
    [.] Processes performed to establish the total scope of the effort, define and refine the objectives, and develop the course of action required to attain those objectives.
  26. Portfolio
    [.] A collection of projects or programs and other work grouped together to facilitate effective mgmt to meet strategic business objectives. (The projects or programs may not be interdependent or directly related.)
  27. Portfolio Management (Technique)
    [.] Centralized mgmt of one or more portfolios, which includes identifying, prioritizing, authorizing, managing, and controlling projects, programs, and other related work to achieve strategic business objectives.
  28. Product Life Cycle
    [PMBOK.27] A collection of generally sequential, non-overlapping product phases whose name and number are determined by the manufacturing and control needs of the organization. The last product life cycle phase for a product is generally the product’s retirement. Generally, a project life cycle is contained within one or more product life cycles.
  29. Program
    [PMBOK.442] A group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually. Programs may include elements of related work outside of the scope of the discrete projects in the program.
  30. Program Management
    [PMBOK.472] Centralized coordinated management of a program to achieve the program's strategic objectives and benefits
  31. Progressive Elaboration [Technique]
    [.] Continuously improving and detailing a plan as more detailed and specific information and more accurate estimates become available as the project progresses.
  32. Project
    [.] A temporary undertaking to create a unique product, service or result
  33. Project Initiation
    [.] The process that can result in the authorization of a project
  34. Project Life Cycle
    [PMBOK.28] A collection of generally sequential project phases whose name and number are determined by the control needs of the organization or organizations involved in the project. A life cycle can be documented with a methodology.
  35. Project Management
    [PMBOK.443] The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements
  36. Project Management Body of Knowledge
    [.] The sum of knowledge within the profession of project management
  37. Project Management Knowledge Area (KA)
    [.] The nine project management knowledge areas are Integration, Scope, Time, Cost, Quality, Human Resource, Communication, Risk, and Procurement
  38. Project Management Office (PMO)
    [PMBOK.473] An organizational body or entity assigned various responsibilities related to the centralized and coordinated management of those projects under its domain. The responsibilities of a PMO can range from providing project management support functions to actually being responsible for the direct management of a project.
  39. Project Management Process Groups
    [PMBOK.474] A logical grouping of project management inputs, tools and techniques, andoutputs.The Project Management Process Groups include initiating processes, planning processes, executing processes, monitoring and controlling processes, and closing processes. Project Management Process Groups are not project phases.
  40. Project Management System
    [.] The elements needed to manage a project: Processes, Tools, Methods etc
  41. Project Management Team
    [PMBOK.474] Themembersoftheprojectteamwhoaredirectlyinvolvedinprojectmanagement activities. On some smaller projects, the project management team may include virtually all of the project team members.
  42. Project Manager (PM)
    [.] The person responsible for ensuring that project objectives are met
  43. Project Phase
    [.] A collection of logically related project activities, usually culminating in the completion of a major deliverable. (A project phase IS NOT a proj mgmt process group)
  44. Projectized Organization
    [.] An organization which authorizes the project manager to assign resources to the project, to establish priorities, and to direct the work of the project
  45. Regulation
    [.] A requirement imposed by a government organization
  46. Role
    [.] A defined function to be performed by a project team member, such as testing, filing, inspecting, coding
  47. Service
    [.] Work performed without resulting in a physical product
  48. Skill
    [.] The capability to execute project-related activities based on individual subject matter expertise and abilities
  49. $ponsor
    [.] Person or group who provides the financial resources for the project
  50. Stakeholder
    [.] Person or entity whose interests are positively or negatively affected by the project or whose influence can positively or negatively affect the project
  51. Standard
    [.] Provides for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines, or characteristics for activities or their results, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order
  52. Subphase
    [.] A division of a phase of a project
  53. Subproject
    [.] A smaller portion of the overall project created when a project is subdivided into more manageable components or pieces.
  54. Technique
    [.] A procedure executed by a resource to complete activities on the project
  55. Template
    [.] A partially filled-out document that can serve as a shell for completion of project documents
  56. Tight Matrix
    [.] A phrase that describes a war room or close environment for the team: can also be used as a noise answer on organizational-related questions
  57. Variance Analysis (Technique)
    [.] An approach for measuring the variance associated with the Scope, Schedule, Time, or Cost of the project
  58. Virtual Team
    [.] A group of people with similar goals who form a team but spend little (if any) time together meeting face-to-face in the flesh
  59. Voice of the Customer (VOC)
    [.] A Planning process that considers the requirements the customer really needs when technical requirements are created
  60. War Room
    [.] A room shared by project personnel that can be used for planning and meetings, and display charts, graphs, and various other project information
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PMP Framework