What makes up the Model, View and Controller in Struts 2?
- Controller: FilterDispatcher
- Model: Action
- View: Result
What is a Controller?
The controller's job is to map requests to actions.
What is a FilterDispatcher? What does it do?
- FilterDispatcher is a servlet filter.
- It forms the Controller in the MVC pattern.
- It inspects each incoming request to determine which Struts 2 action should handle the request.
- Maps URL to Action class.
- FilterDispatcher is deprecated (>= v2.1.3) instead use StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter.
What is a Model?
- The model is the internal state of the application.
- It consists of the Data model and the business logic.
What is an Action? What does it do?
- Action is an encapsulation of calls to the business logic in a single unit of work.
- Action also serves as the single point of data transfer.
What is a View?
It is the presentation component of the MVC framework/pattern.
What is a Result? What does it do?
- Result form the View component of the MVC pattern.
- It passes on the state (result of a request) of the application to the client using JSP,Velocity, FreeMarker, and XSLT.
Who decides which Result needs to be called?
Describe the request processing work-flow in Struts 2.
What are Interceptors?
- Interceptors are stack of classes.
- The call to the Action passes through the Interceptors.
- The Interceptors are also invoked after the Result has executed.
- Interceptors need not do something both times.
What are common examples of Interceptors?
- Logging
- Data Validation
- Type Conversion
- File Upload
What is a ValueStack?
A central storage area, that holds all the data associated with the processing of a request.
What is OGNL?
OGNL is the tool that allows us to access the data from the ValueStack.
Who all can access the ValueStack?
The ValueStack is available to all components involved in the processing of a request -
- Interceptors
- Actions
- Results
How is ValueStack available through out the request processing flow?
ValueStack is stored in a ThreadLocal context called ActionContext.
What is an ActionContext?
- ActionContext contains all the data that makes up the context for an Action (request).
- It is made up of ValueStack, request object, session object, application maps, etc.
What is the significance of ThreadLocal object in the context of ActionContext and/or ValueStack?
The use of ThreadLocal makes the ActionContext, and thus the ValueStack, accessible from anywhere in the same thread of execution.
FilterDispatcher is now deprecated. What filter replaces it?
Where do you specify to Struts 2, the place where it can find the annotations? (in case we are using annotations instead of xml)
- We specify that in the web.xml
- As init-param to the filter declaration.
- <filter>
- <filter-name>struts2</filter-name>
- <filter-class>
- org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.ng.filter.StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter
- </filter-class>
- <init-param>
- <param-name>
- actionPackages
- </param-name>
- <param-value>
- com.mycompany.myapp.actions
- </param-value>
- </init-param>
- </filter>
Can there be multiple struts.xml files? How would you use them?
Yes. By 'including' them in the central struts.xml file.
- <struts>
- <include file="me/rishabh/anotherStruts.xml"/>
- </struts>
Is it necessary to implement the Action interface?
No. But your action class should have the execute method that returns a String object, directing the flow onwards.
- public String execute() {
- return "SUCCESS";
- }
How can you set configuration properties for Struts?
- By using the constant tag in struts.xml.
- By creating a struts.properties file.
What is Struts 2 Namespace configuration?
- Used to handle multiple modules, using a namespace.
- Also allows for same name actions, across different namespaces.
How does Struts scan for annotations? Elaborate on the "Scanning Methodology" and "Naming Converter" mechanism.
- I. Scanning Methodology:
- 1. Look for Action classes in the folder declared as <init-param>actionPackages</init-param>
- 2. Look for action classes in folders named 'action', 'actions', 'struts' and 'struts2'.
- 3. Scan for files that match either of the following:
- a. Implemented the com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action interface.
- b. Extends the com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport class.
- c. File name ends with Action (e.g UserAction, LoginAction).
- II. Naming Converter:
- 1. Drop the ending 'Action' from class name, if any.
- 2. Convert the first letter of the file name to lowercase.
- E.g.: The class named LoginAction, will translate to action name - login OR login.action
Is Action class in Struts 2 multithreaded? Is it singleton?
- Action class is not multithreaded.
- Action class is not singleton.
- Struts create a new instance of Action class for every request.
Can your package reuse another namespace?
Can you use the same namespace across packages?
What are the attributes of the Struts 2 package?
- name (required): Name of the package.
- namespace: Namespace for all actions in package.
- extends: Parent package to inherit from.
- abstract: If 'true', this package will only be used to define inheritable components, not actions.
What happens when you don't set the namespace attribute for a package?
The actions will go to the 'default' namespace, i.e. the blank namespace - "".
Talk about the 'struts-default' package
- It is defined in the struts-default.xml file in the core jar.
- Declares commonly used components like interceptor stack and result types.
How are the parameters from the form copied over to the member variables of the Action class and vice-versa?
With the help of 'param' interceptor (ParametersInterceptor) available under the 'struts-default' package.
What is ActionSupport class? What is it used for?
- The ActionSupport class implements the Action interface.
- Validation: Declared a validate() method and put the validation code inside.
- Text localization: Use GetText() method to get the message from resource bundle.
- It is highly recommended to use ActionSupport class everytime, unless you have a reason to not use it.
What are the different mechanism of data transfer between ValueStack and the Action and/or JSPs
- Object-backed JavaBeans properties
- ModelDriven actions
Talk about Object-backed JavaBeans properties for data transfer.
- Instead of using individual properties in the Action class, we can use an Object.
- We need not instantiate the object. The framework does it for us.
- Ensure that the JSPs refer the properties through the object name. E.g.- user.username
What is ModelDriven? Elaborate.
- It is an interface.
- Action class needs to implement it.
- Has only one method - public Object getModel()
- The object need to be created/instantiated explicitly by us at the class level.
- Ensure that you do not modify or create a new reference for the model, as the framework would continue to point to the old one. (the one created at class level)
- Code:
- public class SomeAction implements ModelDriven {
- private User user = new User();
- public Object getModel() { return user; }
- }
How to remove/replace the .action suffix/extension from URLs?
- Add the following constant to the struts.xml file
- <constant name="struts.action.extension" value=""/>
Uploading files in Struts 2
- JSP: Use multipart form. Use post method.
- <s:form method="post" action="fileUpload" namespace="/Upload" enctype="multipart/form-data">
- <p>Upload File Here</p>
- <s:file name="pic" />
- <s:submit />
- </s:form>
- Action: Need a File property with name same as declared in the JSP. And supporting props too.
- File pic;
- String picContentType;
- String picFileName;
- Struts.xml: Extend the struts-default package
What does ActionInvocation do?
- It encapsulates the execution of an Action, along with its interceptors and the Result.
What is the order of invocation of interceptors?
- In the order declared in the struts.xml.
- After result, the interceptors are called in reversed order.
- Interceptor-1 -> Interceptor-N -> Action -> Result -> Interceptor-N -> Interceptor-1
How does ActionInvocation work?
- ActionInvocation exposes invoke() method for the framework.
- Then it in turns call the intercept() methods on the Interceptors.
- The intercept() method itself takes an ActionInvocation object. So that the invoke() can be called to pass onto the next interceptor.
How to create your own Interceptors?
- Implement the Interceptor interface.
- Define the method
- public String intercept(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception {
- // pre-processing code here
- String result = invocation.invoke();
- // post-processing code here
- return result;
- }
How to declare Interceptors?
- <package name="cust-intercepts">
- <interceptors>
- <interceptor name="logger" class="LogInterceptor"/>
- ...
- <interceptor-stack name="customStack">
- <interceptor-ref name="exception"/>
- </interceptor-stack>
- </interceptors>
- </package>