Plant structure and function

  1. Vascular tissue (2)
    • Xylem- carries water
    • Phloem- carries food
    • (sugars/sap)
  2. Xylem
    carries water
  3. carries water
  4. Phloem
    carries food
  5. Epidermal tissue
    outer covering, protects and prevents water loss
  6. outer covering, protects and prevents water loss
    Epidermal tissue
  7. Ground tissue
    • Anything that isn’t vascular or epidermal, has multiple purposes photosynthesis, food
    • storage, structure.
  8. Anything that isn’t vascular or epidermal, has multiple purposes photosynthesis, foodstorage, structure.
    Ground tissue
  9. Root system
    underground, anchors plant, stores sugars, absorbs water and minerals from soil.
  10. underground, anchors plant, stores sugars, absorbs water and minerals from soil.
    Root system
  11. Shoot system
    Stem and leaves, above ground
  12. Stem and leaves, above ground
    shoot system
  13. Taproot
    Has one really long root, with branching
  14. Has one really long root, with branching
  15. Fibrous root
    has many roots, all the same size branching from base of stem
  16. has many roots, all the same size branching from base of stem
    Fibrous root
  17. Root zones
    • Cell division (apical meristem)
    • where new cells are made

    • Elongation Individual cells
    • elongate.

    • Maturation Cells become
    • functional
  18. Cell division
    apical meristem) where new cells are made
  19. apical meristem) where new cells are made
    cell division
  20. Elongation
    Individual cells elongate
  21. Individual cells elongate
  22. Maturation
    Cells become functional
  23. Cells become functional
  24. Root cap
    - Protects cells as roots grow through soil
  25. - Protects cells as roots grow through soil
    Root cap
  26. Root hairs
    • single cells located in the zone of maturation, they absorb water and minerals from
    • the soil.
  27. single cells located in the zone of maturation, they absorb water and minerals fromthe soil.
    Root hairs
  28. Stem
    central supporting structure
  29. central supporting structure
  30. Leaf
    lateral structure from stem or branch
  31. lateral structure from stem or branch
  32. Node
    location of leaf or branch attachment
  33. location of leaf or branch attachment
  34. Internode
    • segments on stem or branch that are between
    • nodes.
  35. Blade
  36. /leaf
  37. Petiole
    • looks like a stem, but isn’t. it connects the
    • leaf to the branch.
  38. Types of leaf
    • Opposite-  leaves are opposite each other
    • Whorled- Leaves are in a circle..
    • Alternate- Leaves alternate
  39. Epidermis
    - outer layer of leaf
  40. - outer layer of leaf
  41. Mesophyll
    • cell found near the surface of plant leaves
    • specializing in photosynthesis
  42. 2 types of mesophyll in dicots
    • Palisade Mesophyll- long cells lined up
    • to catch light
    • Spongy Mesophyll- has air spaces
    • between cells
  43. Vascular bundles (veins)
    transport water and sugars
  44. transport water and sugars
    vascular bundles (veins)
  45. Stomata
    opening in epidermis surrounded by guard cells
  46. opening in epidermis surrounded by guard cells
  47. Modular indeterminate growth
    • There are repeating units of a plant (stems, nodes leaves) and how many are there
    • will vary from plant to plant
  48. There are repeating units of a plant (stems, nodes leaves) and how many are therewill vary from plant to plant
    Modular indeterminate growth
  49. Meristem
    Where new cells are created
  50. Apical Meristems
    Produces primary growth (herbaceous) in both roots and shoots
  51. Produces primary growth (herbaceous) in both roots and shoots
    apical meristem
  52. Lateral Meristems
    - Produce secondary growth (wood and bark)
  53. - Produce secondary growth (wood and bark)
    lateral meristem
  54. Terminal Buds
    ends of stem, branch, or root
  55. ends of stem, branch, or root
    terminal buds
  56. Axillary Buds
    - side of stem or branch
  57. - side of stem or branch
    axillary buds
Card Set
Plant structure and function
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