PTG 105- Exam 3-Lecture 21- 4

  1. What is fibrous dysplasia?
    • Tumor like condition
    • Benign replacement of bone with fibrous tissue
    • Disordered/Malformed bone
    • Development defect
  2. What is fibrous Dysplasia mistaken for?
    miskaen for a tumor clinically and radiologically
  3. What disease is a benign developmental defect where normal bone is replaced by fibrous tissue?
    Fibrous dysplasia
  4. There are three forms of Fibrous dysplasia, what are they?
    • single bone
    • multi bones
    • endocrine involvemnt
  5. What is the outcome of fibrous dysplasia?
    • Bone deformity
    • Pain
    • Fractures
  6. How is Fibrous dysplasia diagnosed?
    Look for chinese letter shapes in the long bone trabeculae
  7. What disease can be diagnosed by looking for chinese letters in thelong bone trabeculae?
    Fibrous Dysplasia
  8. What is the treatment for Fibrous dysplasia?
  9. What disease is associated with cafe-au-lait skin lesion?
    Polycystic Fibrous dysplasia
  10. What type of skin lesion is Polycystic Fibrous dysplasia associated with?
    Cafe-au-lait skin lesion
  11. What is McCune-Albright syndrome?
    Pigmentations and endocrinopathy associated with fibrous dysplasia
  12. What are the pigementations and endocrinopathy associated with Fibrous Dysplasia called?
    McCune-Albright syndrome
  13. What is osteoarthritis?
    Degenerative joint disease
  14. What disease is an important cause in physical disability in people over 65?
  15. What happens during the pathogenisis of osteoarthritis?
    • Break down of articular cartilage
    • Wear and tear injury
  16. What is a primary lesion for osteoarthritis caused by?
    Aging , no other predisposing factors
  17. What is a secondary lesion of Osteoarthritis caused by?
    caertain disorders like Younger or trauma
  18. Are many joints or few joint usually involved in Osteoarthritis?
    Oligoarticular = single joint usually involved
  19. What is the term for a single joint involved?
  20. What is the treatment for Osteoarthritis?
    Joint replacement
  21. What joints are usually involved in Osteoarthritis?
    • Hips
    • Knee
    • lower lumbar
    • carvical
    • finger
  22. What would you expect to see in a joint with Osteoarthritis?
    • thinned cartilage
    • Bone spurs
    • Carilage fragments
    • Inflammed synovium
    • Tight thickened capsule
  23. What are bone spurs called?
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PTG 105- Exam 3-Lecture 21- 4
PTG 105- Exam 3-Lecture 21- 4