PTG 105- Exam 3-Lecture 21- 5

  1. What would you expect to see in a joint with Osteoarthritis?
    • thinned cartilage
    • Bone spurs
    • Carilage fragments
    • Inflammed synovium
    • Tight thickened capsule
  2. What is Rheumatoid arthritis?
    Chronic inflammatory disease that attacks joints
  3. What group is most affected by Rheumatoid arthritis?
    • Younger group
    • Females
  4. What other organs can be affected by Rheumatoid arthritis?
    • heart
    • vessels
    • lunge
    • muscle
  5. What is the etiology of Rheumatoid arthritis?
  6. What changes occur in joints with Rheumatoid arthritis?
    • Inflammation of the synovium
    • Desruction of articular cartilage
    • Gradual fibrosis
    • Impairment
  7. What joints are usually involved in Rheumatoid arthrirtis?
    • Small joints of hands and feet
    • Later: wrist, elbow, ankle and knees
  8. How long does Rheumatoid arthritis usually last?
    Lifetime, progressive disease
  9. What are the symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis?
    Painful, swollen and warm joints often in the morning
  10. What is Pannus formation?
    Inflammation of the synovium containing masses of inflammatory cells
  11. What is the term for inflammed synovium that contains masses of inflammatory cells/
  12. What is gout?
    Accumulation of excessive amounts of uric acid due to abnormal metabolism
  13. What is the term for accumulation of excessive amounts of uric acid due to abnormal metabolism?
  14. What happens to excess uric acid in gout?
    It is deposited in soft tissue, leading to joint pain and arthritis
  15. What group is susceptible to gout?
    Mostly men (90%) over the age of 30 years
  16. What is the most common spot for gout?
    big toe (90%)
  17. What are common areas for gout to affect patients?
    • Big toe (90%)
    • Ankle
    • Heel
    • Fingers
    • Wrist
  18. Untreated gout after many occurances can cause what?
    Joint damage
  19. Describe the histology of Gouty tophus?
    Aggregates of urate surrounded by inflammatory cells
  20. Aggregates of urate surrounded by inflammatory cells is called what?
    Gouty tophus
  21. What is another name for Infectious arthritis?
     acute suppurtive arthritis
  22. What is another term for acute suppurative arthritis?
    infectous arthritis
  23. What are the common causes of Infectous arthritis?
    • pyogenic bacteria gonococci
    • staphylococci
    • streptococci
    • In sickle cell patients = Salmonella
  24. How many joints at once will be affected by Infectous arthritis usually?
    Monoarticular = one joint
  25. What are some symptoms of Infectous arthritis?
    local heat, pain, welling, tenderness, fever and pus on aspiration
  26. What disease is indicated form a patient presenting with local heat, swelling and joint pain with tenderness and pus upon aspiration?
    Infectous Arthritis
  27. What might you see in a slide of the pus from a person with Infectous arthritis?
    • Gram negative intracellular diplococci
    • =Gonorrhea
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PTG 105- Exam 3-Lecture 21- 5
PTG 105- Exam 3-Lecture 21- 5