Lab Final - Suppositories

  1. what happens to a suppository after insertion
    soften, melt, disperse, or dissolve in the cavity fluids --> local or systemic effect
  2. advantages of suppositories
    • good for infant or older pts or those that can't swallow
    • avoids first pass metab
    • protects drug from stomach and stomach from drug
    • good for drugs that cause N/V
  3. disadvantages of suppositories
    • mucosal irritation
    • patient compliance
    • GI state affects absorption (diarrhea, disease states)
    • can melt at ambient temps (i.e. summer)
  4. types of suppositories
    • rectal
    • vaginal
    • urethral
  5. weight of rectal supps
    usually 2 g
  6. weight of vaginal supps
    5 g
  7. length and weight of urethral supps
    • females: 50 mm; 2 g
    • males: 125 mm; 4 g
  8. another name for vaginal supps
  9. another name for urethral supps
  10. usual base of vaginal supp
    water soluble
  11. how is a urethral supp applied
    with a hollow applicator
  12. types of supp bases
    • oil-solube (oleaginous)
    • hydrogenated vegetable oil bases
    • water-soluble bases
  13. example of oil-soluble bases
    cocoa butter (theobroma oil)
  14. example of hydrogenated vegetable oil bases
    • fattibase
    • wecobee bases
    • witesol bases
  15. example of water soluble base
    • PEG bases
    • polybase
    • glycerin-gelatin mixes
  16. cocoa butter/theobroma oil polymorphism - type and melting points
    • α: 17'C
    • γ: 23'C
    • β': 26'C
    • β crystals: 35-37'C
  17. don't heat cocoa butter above what temp? and why?
    • 45'C
    • converts structure into polymorph α which is the least stable structure that can melt below room temp
  18. in which supp do we avoid cocoal butter bases
  19. the advantage of hydrogenated oils over cocoa butter? disadvantage?
    • adv: don't have polymorphism
    • disadv: more expensive
  20. glycerinated gelatin
    • translucent solid that dissolve and disperse slowly in mucous secretions
    • sometimes used for pessaries
    • MUST be kept in well-closed containers
  21. polyethylene glycol (PEG) polymers
    • most popular
    • PEGs of 2 or ore molecular weights can be mixed in diff props to give specific melting points and dissolution times
    • dispensed in glass or cardboard containers
  22. methods of preparing supps
    • hand rolling
    • compression molding
    • fusion method
  23. how to calibrate a suppository mold
    • base first method
    • 1. total volume of base in mold
    • 2. total base - amt of drug
    • 3. obtained base x density of base = required base

    • base last method
    • 1. dissolve or mix drug in sufficient base
    • 2. pour into mold
    • 3. fill the rest of vol with pure base
    • 4. determine total wt - drug = required base
    • 5. remelt and divide equally among molds
  24. suppository stability
    6 months
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Lab Final - Suppositories
Lab Final