Physics Flashcards - DC and AC Circuits

  1. (T/F) In DC current, the charge flows in one direction only.
  2. (T/F) In AC current, the charge flows in one direction only.
    False, in AC current, the flow of charge changes direction periodically.
  3. (T/F) By convection, the direction of current is the direction in which a negative charge would flow.
    False, the direction of current is the direction in which a positive charge would flow.
  4. What is the formula for Ohm's Law? 

    V =
    Volts = (current)(resistance) = iR
  5. How do the following affect the resistance of a conductor? 

    1. Increased length

    2. Increased cross-sectional area

    3. Increased temperature

    4. Increased resistivity (ρ)
    1. As length increases, so does resistance.

    2. As cross-sectional area increases, resistance decreases.

    3. As temperature increases, resistance typically increases.

    4. As resistivity increases so does resistance.
  6. What is the formula for electrical power? 

    P =
    P = (current)(voltage) = iV = i2R = V2/R
  7. What is the formula for calculating resistance given resistors in series?

    Rs =
    Rs = R1 + R2 + R3 + ....+ Rn
  8. What is the formula for calculating resistance given resistors in parallel?

    Rp =
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  9. What is Kirchoff's 2nd Law?
    Kirchoff's 2nd Law states that the sum of the voltage drops around a circuit loop equals the sum of the voltage rises around the loop.
  10. If 7A of current flow into a three way junction and 3A leave via one of the routes, how much current leaves via the other?
    7A - 3A = 4A
  11. What is the formula for capacitance? 

    C =
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  12. What are the units of capacitance?
    The units of capacitance are Farads.

    1 Farad = 1 Coulomb/Volt
  13. What is the formula for the electric field between the plates of a capacitor?

    E =
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  14. (T/F) As plate area increases, capacitance increases proportionally.
  15. Does the introduction of a dielectric material between the plates of a capacitor increase or decrease the capacitance?
    A dielectric material increases the capacitance. 

    The new capacitance (C') = CK, where K = dielectric constant.
  16. What is the formula for calculating capacitance given capacitors in series?

    Cs =
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  17. What is the formula for calculating capacitance given capacitors in parallel?

    Cp =
    Cp = C1 + C2 + C3+ ... + Cn
  18. For AC current, what is the formula for calculating Irms?
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  19. For AC current, what is the formula for calculating Vrms?
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Physics Flashcards - DC and AC Circuits
Physics Flashcards - DC and AC Circuits Kaplan MCAT P42-P47