PTG 105- Exam 3- Lecture 20 - 2

  1. An Adrenal tumor, tumor in the lungs, tumor in the anterior pituitary or steroid treatmens may cause what disease?
    Cushing's syndrome
  2. What is the direct cause of cushing's syndrome?
    Increased ACTH
  3. What does the excessive ACTH production cause in Cushing's syndrome?
    Excess corticosteroids
  4. How does Cuching's syndrome manifest itself?
    • Obeisity'Easily Bruised
    • Purple striae
    • Hypertension
    • Osteoporosis
    • Pathological fracture
    • Hirsutism
    • Psychosis
    • muscle weakness
    • hyperglycemia
  5. What cause's Conn's syndrome?
    Aldosterone secreting adrenal adenoma
  6. An Aldosterone secreting adrenal adenoma causes what disease?
    Conn's syndrome
  7. What is the pathological effect of Conn's syndrome?
    • Excretion of potassium
    • Retension of Sodium
  8. What adrenal disease causes the excretion fo K and the retension fo Na?
    Conn's syndrome
  9. What is the treatment for Conn's syndrome?
    removal of adenoma
  10. How does Conn's syndrome manifest itself?
    • Muscle weakness
    • Hypertension
    • Low serum K
    • high serum Na
  11. What disease is suspect if a person has high serum Na and low serum K, hypertension adn muscle weakness?
    Conn's syndrome
  12. Pheochromocytoma are derived from what type of cell?
    Cromaffin cells
  13. What disease is derived from cromaffin cells?
  14. Is Pheochromocytoma benign or malignant?
    Usually benign, 10% malignant
  15. What does pheochromocytoma cause?
    increased levels of catecholamines and their metabolic breakdowns
  16. What is the treatment for pheochromocytoma?
    surgical resection
  17. What is an uncommon but important cause of surgically correctable hypertension?
  18. A Neuroblastoma of the adrenal medulla is usually found in people of what age?
    children under 5
  19. How is neuroblastoma treated?
    surgical resection
  20. Is Neuroblastoma malignant?
    Very malignant
  21. What does a neuroblastoma do?
    produces catecholamines
  22. What is MEN?
    multiple endocrine neoplasia
  23. What causes multiple endocrine neoplasia?
    autosomal dominant genetic condition that preisposes to hyperplasia of many endocrine organs
  24. What disease is autosomal dominant and predisposes to hyperplasia of endocrine organs?
    Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia
  25. What is the name for MEN type I?
    Werner's syndrome
  26. What type of inheritance does Werner's syndrome have?
    Autosomal dominant
  27. Where is the gene for Werner's syndrome located?
  28. What does Werner's syndrome cause in what organs?
    • Parathyroid: Hyperparathyroidism
    • Pituitary: Prolactin secreting tumor
    • Pancreas: gastrin secreting tumor which lead to peptic ulcers
  29. What disease causes:
    –Parathyroid: Hyperparathyroidism
    –Pituitary: prolactin secreting tumor
    –Pancreas:  gastrin secreting tumor which can lead to peptic ulcers.
    Werner's syndrome
  30. What disease is MEN IIa?
    Sipple syndrome
  31. What is Sipple syndrome?
    • medullary thyroid carcinoma
    • pheochromocytoma
    • parathyroid hyperplasia/adenoma
  32. What disease causes Medullary carcinoma, pheochromocytoma and parathyroid hyperplasia/adenoma?
    MEN IIa: supple syndrome
  33. What chromosome is Supple syndrome MENIIa on?
  34. MEN IIb or William syndrome is the same as MEN IIa except:
    • multiple mucocutaneous neuromas
    • no parathyroid symptoms
  35. What disease causes mucucutansious neuromas, pheochromochytoma and medullary thyroid carcinoma?
    MEN IIb or William Syndrome
  36. Almost all endocrine disprders resulting in excessive production of a hormone are from what?
    Hormone producing adenoma of that gland
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PTG 105- Exam 3- Lecture 20 - 2
PTG 105- Exam 3- Lecture 20 - 2