Chapter 12 The Central Nervous System (Mastering A&P)

  1. Which of the following is NOT associated with region B, primary motor cortex?

    A. origin of corticospinal tracts
    B. post-central gyrus
    C. cell bodies of pyramidal neurons
    D. conscious control of skeletal muscles

    B. post-central gyrus
  2. What structure is indicated by B?

    A. corpus callosum
    B. pyramidal tracts
    C. lateral ventricles
    D. association fibers

    A. corpus callosum
  3. Which of the following are motor areas of the cerebral cortex that lie in the posterior part of the frontal lobes and control voluntary movement?

    A. primary somatosensory cortex; somatosensory association cortex; visual areas
    B. primary motor cortex; premotor cortex; Broca's area; frontal eye field
    C. Broca's area; posterior association area; auditory areas; visual areas
    D. primary motor cortex; premotor cortex; prefrontal cortex; gustatory cortex
    B. primary motor cortex; premotor cortex; Broca's area; frontal eye field
  4. Patients who have lesions involving Broca's area __________. not understand written communications, but they can speak clearly and intelligibly
    B. do not understand language
    C. can understand language, but have difficulty speaking
    D. can communicate through writing or sign language, but they cannot speak
    C. can understand language, but have difficulty speaking
  5. Which type of glial cells are shown in this figure?

    A. oligodendrocytes
    B. microglia
    C. ependymal cells
    D. astrocytes

    C. ependymal cells
  6. Which protective covering of the brain provides passageways for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to drain into the superior sagittal sinus?

    A. periosteal part of the dura mater
    B. membranous part of the dura mater
    C. pia mater
    D. arachnoid mater
    D. arachnoid mater
  7. Which of the following regions of the brain provides the precise timing and appropriate patterns of skeletal muscle contraction for the smooth, coordinated movements and agility that are needed for our daily living?

    A. pons
    B. midbrain
    C. cerebellum
    D. medulla oblongata
    C. cerebellum
  8. Which of the following is NOT a feature of the major spinal cord tracts (pathways)?

    A. somatotopy
    B. decussation
    C. memory
    D. relay
    C. memory
  9. What part of the spinal cord represents the collection of nerve roots at the inferior end of the vertebral canal?

    A. lumbar enlargement
    B. cervical enlargement
    C. cauda equina
    D. conus medullaris
    C. cauda equina
  10. After Joe has a stroke, his doctor asks Joe to touch his right pointer finger to his chin—but Joe is unable to move his right hand. However, when the doctor stimulates Joe's pointer finger with a painful stimulus, Joe's muscles quickly move his hand away from the stimulus. The doctor concludes that ______.

    A. the stroke caused damage to Joe's frontal eye field which interfered with his effort to touch his chin
    B. the stroke caused damage to Joe's right primary motor cortex
    C. the stroke caused damage to Joe's left premotor cortex
    D. based on the doctor's observations, none of the listed answers are correct conclusions
    D. based on the doctor's observations, none of the listed answers are correct conclusions
  11. Which of the following hypothalamic control centers would you predict is the LEAST important for survival?

    A. suprachiasmatic nucleus
    B. autonomic control center
    C. temperature control center
    D. thirst center
    A. suprachiasmatic nucleus
  12. Which of the following is a characteristic of a coma but is NOT a characteristic of sleep?

    A. absence of brain waves ("flat EEG")
    B. irreversible brain damage
    C. continuously reduced mitochondrial activity in brain neurons
    D. All of the listed responses are correct.
    C. continuously reduced mitochondrial activity in brain neurons
  13. Which letter indicates the primary visual cortex?

  14. Region A includes which of the following?

    A. Primary motor cortex
    B. Pre-frontal cortex
    C. Broca's area
    D. Primary somatosensory cortex
    B. Pre-frontal cortex
  15. The groove indicated by C is the _________.

    A. central sulcus
    B. longitudinal fissure
    C. transverse fissue
    D. post-central gyrus
    A. central sulcus
  16. The cortical regions indicated by E are involved in which functions?

    A. The generation of emotional responses.
    B. The production and interpretation
    of language.
    C. The control centers for homeostatic and endocrine functions.
    D. The storage of motor patterns for skilled movements of skeletal muscles.
    B. The production and interpretation of language.
  17. Which of the following describes the specific projection fibers indicated by C?

    A. third-order sensory neurons
    B. lower motor neurons
    C. first-order sensory neurons
    D. upper motor neurons
    D. upper motor neurons
  18. Which of the following is true of the cerebral hemispheres of the human brain?

    A. Nearly the entire surface of the cerebral hemispheres is marked by shallow grooves called gyri.
    B. Nearly the entire surface of the cerebral hemispheres is marked by elevated ridges called sulci.
    C. The cerebral hemispheres account for about 83% of total brain mass.
    D. The longitudinal fissure separates the cerebral hemispheres from the cerebellum.
    C. The cerebral hemispheres account for about 83% of total brain mass.
  19. Which of the following is NOT one of the three types of functional areas within the cerebral cortex?

    A. motor areas
    B. association areas
    C. sensory areas
    D. visual areas
    D. visual areas
  20. Which of the following areas of the brain is responsible for spatial discrimination?

    A. Broca's area
    B. primary somatosensory cortex
    C. gustatory cortex
    D. vestibular cortex
    B. primary somatosensory cortex
  21. Which part of the brain is the "executive suite" for all brain activity?

    A. cerebral cortex
    B. diencephalon
    C. brain stem
    D. cerebellum
    A. cerebral cortex
  22. Which type of white matter fiber tract connects the two cerebral hemispheres?

    A. projection fibers
    B. association fibers
    C. internal capsules
    D. commissures
    D. commissures
  23. Which part of the brain is considered the "gateway" to the cerebral cortex?

    A. pons
    B. thalamus
    C. mesencephalon
    D. hypothalamus
    B. thalamus
  24. Which of the following best describes the hypothalamus?

    A. visceral control center of the body
    B. relay station for the special senses
    C. gateway to the cerebellum
    D. somatic motor control center
    A. visceral control center of the body
  25. Which part of the brain stem houses the reflex centers for respiration and cardiovascular functioning?

    A. midbrain
    B. pons
    C. medulla oblongata
    D. reticular formation
    C. medulla oblongata
  26. Which part of the brain processes inputs received from the cerebral motor cortex, brain stem nuclei, and various sensory receptors, and then uses this information to coordinate somatic motor output so that smooth, well-timed movements occur?

    A. diencephalon
    B. thalamus
    C. cerebellum
    D. pons
    C. cerebellum
  27. Which meninx is a delicate connective tissue membrane that clings tightly to the brain like cellophane wrap following its every convolution?

    A. arachnoid mater
    B. periosteal layer of the dura mater
    C. meningeal layer of the dura mater
    D. pia mater
    D. pia mater
  28. The neural fibers connecting structure A to the cerebral cortex can be described by which of the following?

    A. lower motor neurons
    B. first-order sensory neurons
    C. third-order sensory neurons
    D. upper motor neurons
    C. third-order sensory neurons
  29. Which of the following accurately describes the collection of spinal cord tracts illustrated in the figure?

    A. association fibers
    B. efferent fibers
    C. ascending tracts
    D. descending tracts
    C. ascending tracts
  30. Which of the following describes the nerve fibers indicated by the letter A?

    A. upper motor neurons
    B. first-order sensory neurons
    C. third-order sensory neurons
    D. lower motor neurons
    B. first-order sensory neurons
  31. What type of receptor is indicated by the letter B?

    A. touch receptor
    B. temperature receptor
    C. proprioceptor
    D. pain receptor
    C. proprioceptor
  32. What function is most closely associated with the spinal cord tract indicated by the letter C?

    A. response to skeletal muscle pain
    B. initiation of skeletal muscle movements
    C. initiation of smooth muscle movements
    D. coordination of skeletal muscle movements
    D. coordination of skeletal muscle movements
  33. The fiber tracts indicated by the letter D will terminate in the ______.

    A. medulla oblongata
    B. primary somatosensory cortex
    C. primary motor cortex
    D. thalamus
    D. thalamus
  34. What descending pathway originates at the position indicated by the leader line?

    A. extrapyramidal tracts
    B. pyramidal tracts
    C. spinothalamic tracts
    D. spinocerebellar tracts
    B. pyramidal tracts
  35. Many of the descending fibers indicated in this figure cross over (decussate) to the opposite side of the body in which of the following?

    A. peripheral nervous system
    B. thalamus
    C. medulla
    D. cerebellum
    C. medulla
  36. The descending fibers in the figure provide for which of the following functions?

    A. conscious awareness of sensory information
    B. subconscious control of skeletal muscle
    C. involuntary control of cardiac muscle
    D. involuntary control of smooth muscle
    E. conscious control of skeletal muscle
    E. conscious control of skeletal muscle
  37. Select the true statement regarding first-order neurons.

    A. First-order neuron cell bodies reside in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord.
    B. First-order neurons have cell bodies in the thalamus.
    C. First-order neuron cell bodies reside in the anterior horn of the spinal cord.
    D. First-order neuron cell bodies reside in a ganglion.
    D. First-order neuron cell bodies reside in a ganglion.
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Chapter 12 The Central Nervous System (Mastering A&P)
Biology 103 A