PTG 105- Exam 3- Lecture 19 - 2

  1. What percent of people with breast pain have cancer?
  2. What is the most common symptom of breast disease?
  3. What is the second most common complaint about the breasts?
    Palpable mass (lump)
  4. What percent of lumps in the breast are malignant?
    • 10% under age 40
    • 60% over age 40
  5. What percent of mammorographic abnormalities found during screening are malignant?
  6. Define acute mastitis:
    infection of the breast
  7. What is the term for infection of the breast?
    Acute mastitis
  8. Acute mastitis is usually in only one breast (T/F)?
    True, usually unilateral
  9. What are the syptoms of acute mastitits?
    • pain
    • sweeling
    • heat
    • redness
  10. Heat, pain, swelling and redness of the breast indicates what disease?
    Acute mastitis
  11. What organisms usually cause acute mastitis?
    Staph aureus or Strep
  12. Should a mother with mastitis stop nursing?
    No, usually advised to keep nursing
  13. What is the treatment for Acute mastitis?
    • Antibiotics
    • Nursing
    • Surgical drainage (rare)
  14. how are most breast masses discovered?
    Found by patient
  15. What percent of breast masses are benign?
  16. What is the most common diagnosis for breast mass?
    Fibriscystic change
  17. What is the most common benign tumor of the breast?
  18. Chance of malignancy increases with what risk factor?
  19. What are the five main types of Breast masses?
    • Fibroadenoma
    • Fibrocystic change
    • Papilloma
    • Carcinoma
    • Fat necorsis
  20. When does fat necrosis develop in the breast?
    After trauma, surgery or radiation (can mimic cancer)
  21. What benign breast mass can mimic cancer?
    Fat necrosis
  22. What four means do we have of examining Breast masses?
    • Clinical exam
    • Lumpectomy/needle aspiration/Biopsy
    • Mammogram
    • Estrogen/Progesterone receptor measurement
  23. Why would you perform a measurement of estrogen and progesterone receptors ona  biopsy sample of the breast?
    To determine the responsiveness of the cancer to hormone therapy
  24. How do you determin ethe responsiveness of breast cancer to hormone therapy?
    Measure the progesterone and estrogen receptors on a biopsy sample
  25. What is FNA?
    Fine needle aspiration
  26. Define fibrocystic changes?
    general term to describe variety of benign breast changes
  27. What are symptoms of Fibrocystic change?
    Nodularity of the breast or vague mass
  28. Why do Fibrocystic changes occur?
    Due to exaggerated cyclical hormone changes during the menstrual cycle
  29. Exaggerated menstrual cycles of hormone levels can cause what?
    Fibrocystic changes
  30. What is the most common cause of breast mass in young women?
    Fibrocystic change
  31. What may decrease the risk of Fibrocystic change?
  32. OCP can decrease the chance of what?
    Fibrocystic change
  33. What two type of fibrocystc change are there?
    • Non-proliferative
    • Proliferative
  34. Describe non-proliferative Fibrocystic change:
    • fibrosis and cyst formtion
    • poses little breast cancer risk
  35. Which type of Fibrocystuc change poses little breast cancer risk?
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PTG 105- Exam 3- Lecture 19 - 2
PTG 105- Exam 3- Lecture 19 - 2