PTG 105-Exam3 -Lecture 16- 7

  1. What are most causes of pancreatitis due to?
  2. How do gallstones play a role in pancreatitis?
    Gallstones can obstrct the pancreatic duct, leading to pancreatitis
  3. What are some common etiologies for pancreatitis other than Gallstones and Alcoholism?
    NSAIDs and diuretics
  4. What are the two type of pancreatitis?
    • Acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis
    • Chronic pancreatitis
  5. What does Acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis usually follow?
    Heavy alcohol laden meal
  6. What does acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis lead to?
    abdominal pain and shock
  7. Acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis is or is not fatal?
    Often fatal
  8. Chronic pancreatitis has what characterisitcs?
    • Slow progression
    • Malabsorption
    • Diabetes Mellitus ( complication)
  9. What are consequences/complications f chronic pancreatitis?
    • Diabetes Mellitus
    • Malabsorption
  10. Acute pancreatitis can be detected by what levels in teh blood?
    • Elevated Amylase
    • Elevated lipase
  11. Elevated amylas and lipase in the blood indicates what disease?
    Acute pancreatitis
  12. What is cystic fibrosis?
    • Inherited autosomal recessive disorder
    • Disrupts chloride transport accross cell membranes
  13. WHat disease disrupts Cl transport across cell membranes?
    Cystic fibrosis
  14. Cystic fibrosis effect what body organs?
    Lungs, GI and pancreas
  15. How is cystic fibrosis treated?
    • replace pancreatic enzymes
    • preven pneumonia
    • supportive therapy
  16. What type of primary liver tumor is found in young patients?
  17. Hepatoblastoma is found in what group?
    young patients
  18. Hepatocellular Carcinoma is found in what group?
  19. Adults develop what type of primary liver tumor?
    Hepatocellular carcinoma
  20. Hepatoblastoma is malignant or benign?
  21. Which is more common metastatic disease or Primary liver carcinoma?
    Metastatic disease
  22. Is Primary liver diseae common?
    No, it is rare
  23. What are risk factors for Hepatocellular carcinoma?
    • HBV
    • cirrhosis
    • HCV
    • alcohol abuse
    • Hematochromatosis
    • afltoxins
    • thorotrast exposure
    • androgenic steroids
  24. Androgenic steroids, Hematochromatosis, aflatoxins, Throblast exposure, HBV, HCV, alcohol abuse and cirrhoisis are all risk factors for what?
    Hepatocellular carcinoma
  25. What sigsn and symptoms are there for Hepatocellular carcinoma?
    • cirrhosis
    • enlgarged liver
    • tumor marker Alpha feto protein (elevated 60-70%)
  26. A patien with Alpha feto protein elevated by about 60-70%, cirrhosis and liver enlargement may likley have what disease?
    Hepatocellular carcinoma
  27. What is the prognosis for Hepatocellular carcinoma?
    Poor prognosis
  28. Hepatocellular carcinoma is mostly seen in what type of patient?
    Thsoe with cirrhosis
  29. How common is Metastatic Cancer?
    Most common tumor of the liver
  30. What is the most common tumor of the liver?
    Metastatic Cancer
  31. Cancers that commonly spread to the liver are:
    • Colon
    • Stomach
    • Pancreas
    • Leukemias
    • Lymphomas
  32. Cancers suchas: Colon, stomach, leukemias, lymphomas and pancreas tumors commonly spread to what other organ?
    The liver
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PTG 105-Exam3 -Lecture 16- 7
PTG 105-Exam3 -Lecture 16- 7