_________________________ refers to mate selection norms requiring individuals to marry someone _____________________________ their kind. . .__________________________ involves mate selection norms that require (or at least encourage) individuals to marry
- Exogamy
- outside
- Endogamy
- within
“. . ._____________________________ refers to the tendency to marry someone _______________________________ to oneself based on personal preferences.”
. Because of these vital functions, the __________________________ is often referred to as the ____________________ _______________________________ of society
This theme, prevalent among contemporary conflict theorists, bears on at least three issues:The ____________________________ of women by men, family rules of power and ______________________________, and the male-dominated economic division of _______________________.
- domination
- inheritance
- labor
For a marriage to last, a couple must build a relationship that goes _________________________________________________ ________________________.
This suggests that poor decisions in ___________________ ________________________ may be as important as marital conflict.
mate selection
Assault and murder are more likely to be the acts of someone living in the ______________.
Children in ____________________-________________________ homes exhibit more _______________________________ problems, having higher teenage _________________________ rates, and perform lower ___________________________than children living with their biological parents.
- single - parent
- behavioral
- pregnancy
- academically
“. . .there is some evidence that those _____________________________ before are more likely to ___________________________ after marriage.”
______________________________ generation is the term applied to adults caught between caring for their parents and caring for the family they formed after leaving home.
. Indeed, the educational institution perpetuates a society’s _________________________ heritage from one generation to the next.
Opponents of _______________________________ education argue that it __________________________ the development of a common American cultural identity and that it is not a proven success for helping students succeed academically.
Because schools are _______________ ______________________ for children of all social classes, students do not all have an equal starting point.
not equal
The _____________________________ curriculum teaches children skills such as __________________________, _____________________, cooperativeness, and ___________________________.
- hidden
- dicipline
- order
- conformity
This behavior by the teachers _______________________________ the students to become __________________________ academic achievers
Religion is a unified system of _____________________ and ________________________related to sacred things.
Religion gives believers cosmic _________________________________ and gives external significance to a short and uncertain ______________________________ existence.
“Marx thought of religion as a ____________________________ for the oppressed:. . .It is the __________________________ of the ________________________..
Weber referred to this cluster of values and attitudes stressing ________________________________________, __________________ and discipline as the ______________________________ ethic.
Most extremist religious groups emphasize __________________________ experience and ____________________________ gratification. Converts “____________________” religion rather than merely think about it.
Sociologists define sport as a set of _____________________________ activities, within a set of established ____________________, and in which _________________________ performance determines __________________________ and _______________________.
- competitive
- rules
- physical
- winners
- losers
Sport teaches basic ______________________, ___________________ and values. . . Sport promotes a sense of social _____________________________. . .Sport offers a safe release of _______________________________ feelings generated by the frustrations, anxieties, and strains of modern life. . .Sport encourages the development of _________________________.
- beliefs
- norms
- identification
- aggression
- character
Conflict theorists highlight the ways in which sport mirrors the ________________________distribution of _______________________ and ________________________ in society.
Sport contributes to ________________________ _______________________ among collegiate athletes, but the opportunities are too few.
upward mobility
. Many athletes do use sport as a means out of their equivalent “coal fields,” and many minorities work their way out of _______________________ through sport
Whatever sport they play, college athletes tend to be better _________________________,earn more ___________________, and have higher occupational prestige than their fathers.
“. . .the emphasis on sport is ________________________ because it diverts attention from learning the ________________________ and business-related skills necessary for success in mainstream American society”.
For centuries, to be an athlete, the culture warned, was to be ________________________.
As a result of this business strategy, conflict theorists argue, corporations are making higher profits while ___________________________ local labor markets and exploiting workers..
under cutting
“. . .the Golden Triangle, a power elite in global sports formed by sports _____________________________, corporate ____________________, and corporate ___________________________.”.
- organizations
- media
- sponsors
What are 3 traits of happy families?
- spend a lot of time together
- are religious
- Do a lot of talking and listening to one another
What are 4 functions that religion provides for society? ( functionalist view )
- It answers life's questions
- Gives guidelines for life - how to live
- Helps one adapt to one's new environment
According to the functionalist view which country is the best? What does believing this prevent?
The conflict theorist believes that religion sometimes is a personal tool used to get what?
Robert Sternberg's theory view love as a triangle, with the 3 side labeled as?
- Passion - romance, physical affection
- Intimacy - friendship
- Commitment - long term decisions
What are the 2 basic reasons underlying most divorces?
Family of origin is?
Family we grow up in
What is the primary arena in which gender inequality is played?
The family
Wives generally face a " " after working an outside job.
second shift
Overall.... the is the corner stone of ! If the is off... So is .
- Family
- society
- Family
- society
Homogamy is?
The tendency to marry with similar characteristics, interests, goals,etc
Propinquality is
a major factor in who we are attached to! (proximity)
Those who cohabit before marriage are more likely to .
any why?
they dont feel as committed to their vows
commitment is
the essential difference between marriage and cohabitation
more than one wife
more than one huspand
John Gottman view:
For men?
For Woman?
For Both?
- Give into ur wife
- make request with kindness, not griping
- A 5 to 1 ration of positive interactions
People are more likely to be killed or assaulted:
- In their own homes
- by family members
- than any where else or by anyone else
A central principle of sociology is?
A nation's education reflects its culture.
What does Intelligence test really measure?
Culturally acquired knowledge
Conflict view of religion is?
Marx view
Religion is often a
political tool
totemism is
the veneration of an animal as a god or an ancestor
Anisism is?
the belief that there are active spirits in the world, and in all living things