1. Which appliances are covered by section 608 ?
    The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 defines an appliance as any device which contains and uses a class 1 or class 2 substance as a refrigerant and is used for household or commercial purpose
  2. What is the primary reason the EPA requires a service aperture or process stub on all appliances?
    • All appliances must be equipped with a service
    • aperature or other device for adding or removing refrigerant from the appliance
  3. Who sets the regulations for recovery machines ?
    All recovery and recycling machines manufactured after November 15, 1993 must be certified to meet EPA requirements
  4. What is a "self -contained" recovery machine ?
    • A self-contained recovery unit has its own compressor (or other transfer mechanism) to
    • pump refrigerant out of the refrigeration system
  5. Is HCFC-123 a "low" or "high" pressure refrigerant?
    HCFC-123 along with CFC-11 and CFC-113 are all low pressure refrigerants.
  6. Is CFC-12 a "low" or "high" pressure refrigerant ?
    CFC-12,CFC-114,CFC-500,502 anf HCFC-22 are all high pressure refrigerants
  7. What is the smallest container in which refrigerants may be sold to section 608 certified technicians ?
    Only section 608 certified technicians may buy CFC-12 in containers smaller than 20 pounds
  8. What is a system dependent recovery machine?
    System-dependent recovery equipment relies solely upon the compressor in the small appliance and/or the pressure of the refrigerant in the appliance to recover the refrigerant
  9. What are the two main types of recovery equipment?
    • Self-contained recovery equipoment(active)
    • and System-dependent recovery equipment(passive)
  10. After November 15,1993 all _____ and ____
    must be what?
    After November 15,1993 all recovery and recyling machines must be certified to meet EPA requirements
  11. What appliances must be equipped with a service aperature or other device for adding or removing refrigerant from the appliance?
    All appliances must be equipped,but for small appliances this port typically is a straight piece of tubing that is entered using a piercing access valve (process tube)
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HVAC Flashcards