20130408 Survey, Met, UTAMS, and LCMR

  1. What does IPADS stand for?
    Improved Position and Azimuth Determining System
  2. What are the limitations of IPADS?
    • 75km Radius
    • 221km total travel within the radius
    • Stop every 10mins for 5th order
    • Stop every 5 mins for 4th order
  3. What 4 types of met can the profiler produce?
    • Computer Met (most detail)
    • Target Area
    • Target Acquisition
    • Basic Wind Report
  4. What items are on a Computer Met?
    • Humidity
    • Pressure
    • Temperature
    • Wind Speed
    • Wind Direction
  5. Besides Computer Met, what other Met data does the profiler provide?
    • Cloud Height
    • Precipitation Type
    • Precipitation Rate
    • Visibility
  6. What Air Force Weather System is not allowed?
  7. What distance is authorized for Profiler Met and what is its max distance?
    60km and 500km
  8. What is the most important met for the trajectory of a artillery round?
  9. Why is the survey MOS still important?
    To Achieve Common Grid and Direction for all weapon types.
  10. How long to Initialize the IPADS?
  11. How often can the profiler recycle to achieve a new MET?
  12. What does IPADS stand for?
    Improved Position and Azimuth Determining System
  13. What are the limitations of IPADS?
    • 75km Radius
    • 221km total travel within the radius
    • Stop every 10mins for 5th order
    • Stop every 5 mins for 4th order
  14. What 4 types of met can the profiler produce?
    • Computer Met (most detail)
    • Target Area
    • Target Acquisition
    • Basic Wind Report
  15. What items are on a Computer Met?
    • Humidity
    • Pressure
    • Temperature
    • Wind Speed
    • Wind Direction
  16. Besides Computer Met data, what other Met data does the profiler provide?
    • Cloud Height
    • Precipitation Type
    • Precipitation Rate
    • Visibility
  17. What Air Force Weather System is not allowed?
  18. What distance is authorized for Profiler Met and what is its max distance?
    60km and 500km
  19. What is the most important met for the trajectory of a artillery round?
  20. Why is the survey MOS still important?
    To Achieve Common Grid and Direction for all weapon types.
  21. How long to Initialize the IPADS?
  22. How often can the profile recycle to achieve a new MET?
  23. Survey or MET's mission is to provide fire systems with what?
    Accurate and timely weather data, upper air and surface, up to 60 km out.
  24. What is the profiler?
    • Mobile upper air MET data collection,processing and dissemination system
  25. What is FA's survey primary means of establishing SCP's and directional control?
  26. FA is __ order accuracy and must start at __order control point
    5th, 4th
  27. What does the FA surveyor establish?
    4th or 5th order SCP's; directional control for emplacement of firing elements; target acquisition elements
  28. What does CPNU stand for?
    Compact Position Navigation Unit
  29. How many gyroscopes sensors does the IPADS CPNU have?
  30. How many accelerometer sensors does the IPADS CPNU have?
  31. 4th order:CEP? Altitude Error? Azimuth error?
    4 meters 2 meters .4 mils
  32. 5th order:CEP? Altitude Error? Azimuth error?
    7 meters 3 meters .4 mils
  33. What are some weaknesses of the UTAMS?
    Microphones are sensitive; system accuracy is highly dependent on installation; false hits/acqu; diff to align arrays; must have commercial power; no dedicated operators
  34. What are UTAMS ranges for rockets (107mm,132mm Katyusha Rockets)?
    10 km
  35. What are UTAMS ranges for mortars (60mm,82mm 122mm)?
    6 km
  36. What does UTAMS stand for?
    Unattended Transient Acoustic Masint Sensor
  37. What is the LCMR frequency Range?
    • LCMR (V1) 1250 MHz- 1350 MHz
    • LCMR (V2) 1215 MHz -1390 MHz
  38. Which Microphone is used to aligned the UTAMS?
  39. What is the Max distance for an LCMR?
  40. 3 Modes of operation for UTAMS:
    • Real time
    • Review
    • Playback
  41. Time to emplace the LCMR with and without the LM-270?
    35mins and 20mins
  42. What is the minimum search fence for an LCMR?
  43. Minimum distances between UTAMS?
  44. Minimum distances between LCMRs?
  45. The LCMR can track how many aquisitions?
  46. The report manager can report how many aquisitions?
Card Set
20130408 Survey, Met, UTAMS, and LCMR
WOBC Class 08 13 Survey, Met, UTAMS, and LCMR