What manual covers Targeting?
FM 3-60
an entity or object considered for engagement or other action.
the Process of selecting and prioritizing targets and matching the appropriate response to them, considering operational requirements and capabilities.
- resources (targets) the enemy commander requires for the successful completion of his mission.
- the subset of the HVTs whose loss to the enemy and will significantly contribute to the success of the friendly course of action.
- 2-6
Name the four targeting principles.
- Achieving the Commander's Objectives
- Achieve the Desired Effects
- Command Funtion Participation of Many Disciplines
- lethal and nonlethal actions in a systematic manner
- 1-4
The Targeting Systematic Methodological Process
or Targeting Methodology
- Decide, Detect, Deliver, Assess
- Analyzes, prioritizes, and assigns assets.
- If the desired effects are not achieved, targets are recycled through the process.
- 1-4
Elements of Commander's Targeting Guidance
- High Value Targets
- Desired Effects
- Targeting Restrictions
- 1-5 thru 1-9
Two categories of targeting restrictions
- No-Strike List
- Restricted Target List
- 1-8
The no-strike list consists of objects or entities protected by the following
- Law of armed conflict.
- International laws.
- Rules of engagement.
- Other considerations.
- 1-8
Types of Commanders Desired Effects (D7EINS)
deceive, degrade, delay, deny, destroy, disrupt, divert, exploit, interdict, neutralize, and suppress.
cause a person to believe what is not true
nonlethal or temporary means to reduce the effectiveness or efficiency of adversary command and control systems and information collection efforts
slow the time of arrival of enemy forces
To delay
withhold information about Army force capabilities and intentions that adversaries need for effective and timely decisionmaking
To deny
apply lethal combat power on an enemy capability so that it can no longer perform any function and cannot be restored to a usablecondition
to destroy
interrupt or impede enemy or adversary capabilities or systems
To disrupt
force the enemy or adversary to change course or direction
To divert
to gain access to adversary command and control systems to collect information or to plant false or misleading information
To exploit
divert, disrupt, delay, or destroy the enemy’s military surface capability before it can be used effectively against friendly forces
To interdict
render enemy personnel or material incapable of interfering with a particular operation
To neutralize
temporarily degrade the performance of a force or weapons system below the level needed to accomplish the mission
To suppress
What are the two targeting categories?
- Deliberate and Dynamic
- 1-10
What are the two types of Dilberate targets?
- Scheduled and On-Call
- 1-12
Dynamic Targeting procecutes what type of targets?
- Targets of opportunity (Unplanned or Unanticipated) or newly detected
- 1-13
Are unknown or not expected to exist in the operational environment.
Known to exist in the operational environment, but no action has been planned against them. (what is it?)
JFC designated target requiring immediate response because it is a highly lucrative, fleeting target of opportunity
- 1-15
Targets that the Service component commander(s) have nominated to the JFC TST list, but were not approved as TSTs.
- high-priority targets
- 1-17
Examples Of Sensitive Targets
- High-Value Individuals
- High Risk of Collateral Damage
- WMD facilities
- 1-18
What are the four functions of the targeting process?
- Decide
- Detect
- Deliver
- Assess
- 2-5
What products are started during the Decide function?
- HPTL, TSS, AGM and ISR plan
- 2-6
The ____ identifies which targets will be prosecuted, how, when and the desired effect.
- Attack Guidance Matrix. (AGM)
- 2-6
Target selection standards (TSS)
Differentiate between suspected targets and targets. Targets meet accuracy (TLE) and timeliness (Dwell) requirements for attack.
Target attack decisions falls into two categories.
- Tactical and Technical
- 2-74
What are the three elements of Combat Assessment?
- Battle Damage Assessment (BDA)
- Munitions Effects Assessment (MEA)
- Re-Attack Recommendations
- 2-101
What are the 3 components of BDA?
- Physical Damage
- Functional Damage
- Target System Assessment
- 2-105
What are the two types of Assessment?
- Measure of Performance (MOP)
- Measure of Effectiveness (MOE)
- 2-117
_____ is assessing the accuracy of the supporting intelligence to targeting; "do we have what we need to prosecute"
____ ensures all vetted targets meet the objectives and criteria outlined in the commander's guidance and ensures compliance with the law of war and rules of engagement.
Legal Imperatives
- Reasonable
- Necessary
- Proportional
Principles of Law of Armed Conflict
- Military Necessity
- Distinction
- Proportionality
- Humanity
Dynamic targeting methodology for TST and HPT
- find, fix, track, target, engage, and assess (F2T2EA)
- App A
Maneuver commander targeting methodology for HVI; with autonomous ISR
- Find, Fix, Finish, Exploit, Analyze, and Disseminate (F3EAD)
- App B
- geographical area where high-value targets can be acquired and engaged
- vs
- usually selected to capture indications of adversary courses of action
intelligence support that the commander and staff need to understand the adversary or other aspects of the operational environment.
Tactical vs Technical Decisions
- Time, desired effect, degree of damage, weapon system, collateral effects.
- vs
- Number and type of munitions.
- Unit to conduct the attack.
- Response time of the attacking unit.
Combat assessment
- Determination of the effectiveness of force employment during military operations.
- 2-100
Munitions effectiveness assessment
- Assessment of the military force in terms of the weapon systems and munitions effectiveness.
- 2-21