PTG 105-Exam 3-Lecture 17 -2

  1. What is it called when the testis do not descend?
  2. When do the Testes usually descend into the scrotum?
    At birth
  3. What changes in the male urogenital system should occur at birth?
    The testes should descend into the scrotum
  4. What is the cause of Cryptochidism?
    Cause unknown
  5. What are possible complications of Cryptohidism?
    • More susceptible to:
    • Torsion
    • Infarction
    • Infertility
    • Testicular cancer
  6. What disease makes patients more susceptible to infertility, testicular cancer, infarction and torsion?
  7. What pathology is associated with Cryptochidism?
    • Atrophied seminiferous tubules
    • Intratubular germ cell neoplasms
  8. What disease is associated with intratubular germ cell neoplasms and atrophied seminiferous tubules?
  9. What is the treatment for Cryptochidism?
    Surgical lowing of testes called orchioplexy
  10. What is orchioplexy?
    Surgical lowering of the testes to correct Cryptochidism
  11. What is Hydrocele?
    Fluid build-up in the tunica virginalis or along the spermatic cord
  12. What disease is characterized by fluid build-up along the spermatic cord or tunica vaginalis?
  13. What are the causes of Hydrocele?
    • Tumor
    • Idiopathic
    • Infection
  14. What are the causes of Testicular atrophy?
    • Athersclerosis
    • Cryptochidism
    • Malnutrition
    • Irradiation
    • Hypothyroidism
    • Inflammatory orchitis
    • Hormonal
  15. Athersclerosis, Malnutrition, Crytochidism, Inflammatory orchitis, Irradiation and Hormonal changes can all cause what?
    Testicular atrophy
  16. What is another term for testicular torsion?
    Infarction of the testes
  17. Describe testicular torsion (infarction of the testes):
    Twisting of the spermatic cord cutting off arterial blood supply and venous drainage
  18. What disease is characterized by the twisting of the spermatic cord cutting of arterial supply and venous drainage?
    Testicular torsion (aka. Infarction of the testes)
  19. In what age group is testicular torsion most common?
  20. What are the symptoms of testicular torsion?
    Rapid onset of severe pain
  21. How is testicular torsion corrected?
    Surgery (surgical emergency)
  22. What Urogenital disease of males is a surgical emergency?
    Testicular torsion
  23. An adolescent male with a rapid onset of severe testicular pain is most likely suffering from what disease?
    Testicular torsion
  24. What is the most common cause of scrotal enlargement?
  25. What is the treatment for Hydrocele?
    Open sac to drain fluid
  26. Which is more common Orchitis or Epididymitis?
  27. What is orchitis?
    Inflammation of the testes and epididymis
  28. What is epididymitis?
    Inflammation of the testes
  29. Inflammation of the testes and epididymis is called:
    Orchitis or Epididymitis
  30. What are the causes of orchitis or epididymitis?
    • Mumps
    • Tuberculosis
    • Autoimmune diseases
    • STDs
  31. STDs, mumps, tuberculosis and autoimmune diseases can all lead to what disease?
    • Orchitis or Epididymitis
    • What are the symptoms of orchitis and epididymitis?
    • Pain and swelling
  32. What group is most unlikely to develop mumps orchitis?
  33. What percent of adults develop orchitis secondary to mumps?
  34. What group suffers from orchitis at a rate of 20% secondary to a mumps infection?
  35. What types of inflammation occur in patients suffering from orchitis or epididymitis?
    Acute neutrophilic, lymphoplasmacytic or granulomatous
  36. What are the two main types of testicular neoplasms?
    • Germ cell tumors
    • Sex cord stromal tumors
  37. Germ cell tumors and sex cord stromal tumors are neoplasms in what tissue?
  38. What is the most common type of testicular neoplasm?
    Germ cell tumors
  39. What proportion of germ cell tumors are malignant?
    Almost all
  40. What type of testicular neoplasm makes up 95% of all testicular tumors?
    Germ cell tumor
  41. Which type of testicular neoplasm is more likely to be malignant?
    Germ cell tumor
  42. What type of testicular neoplasm is more likely to be benign?
    Sex cord stromal tumor
  43. What cells do sex cord stromal neoplasms arise from?
    Ledig cells or Sertoli cells
  44. Tumors that arise from ledig or sertoli cells are called:
    Sex cord stromal tumor
  45. What part of the testes contains the ledig and sertoli cells?
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PTG 105-Exam 3-Lecture 17 -2
PTG 105-Exam 3-Lecture 17 -2