chem test.txt

  1. What are the SI units for Mass
  2. What are the SI units for Volume
    m(to the third)
  3. What are the SI units for Temperature
  4. What are the SI units for the Amount of Substance
  5. What is the equation for density
  6. What is the equation for % error
    % error=accepted value - experimental value/accepted value x 100
  7. What is the equation for relitive error
    relitive error=your largest density - your smallest density/your average density x 100
  8. What is accuracy
    the measurement of how close a measurement comes to the accepted/true value of whatever is being measured. It's compared to the true/accepted value.
  9. What is precision
    a measure of how close a series of measurements are to another. It's two or more repeated measurements.
  10. % error is a measure of...
  11. Relitive error is a measure of...
  12. What are Significant Digits?
    When taking any measurement, the number of sig. figs. is equal to the number of divisions on the measurement device, plus one more digit that is estimated.
  13. What are the 5 Significant Digit Rules?
    • 1. Every non-zero digit is significamt
    • 2. Zeros between non-zero digits are significant
    • 3. Leftmost zeros infront of non-zero digits are not significant
    • 4. With digits to the right of a decimal point, zeros to the right of the last non-zero digit are significant
    • 5. If there is no decimal point, zeros to the left of the implied decimal point and before a non-zero digit ane not significant
  14. If the number reflects an exactly defined quanity, such as reflected in a conversion factor...
    then there an unlimited number of significant digits.
  15. Adding and Subtracting of Significant Digits
    addition subtraction=decimal points (not digits) as the measurement with the least number of decimal places.
  16. Multiplication and Division of Significant Digits
    multiplication division=significant digits as the measurement with the least number of sig. figs.
  17. Significant Digit Rounding
    • If number next to number to be rounded is 5 or greater, round up and vise versa.
    • Example: 245.6 (only want 2 sig. figs.) = 250
  18. What is specific gravity?
    The specific gravity of a substance is a comparison of its density to that of water (1 mL). It's unit less.
  19. What is buoyancy?
    The ability of an object to float in a liquid. The buoyancy is determined by specific gravity.
  20. What's the Kelvin equation?
  21. What's the Celsius equation?
  22. What's the Fahrenheit equation?
    • 1. Add 40
    • 2. Conversion units factor (9 F/5 C)
    • 3. Subtract 40
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chem test.txt
chem test flashcards