Interpersonal Communication

  1. The ability to understand and manage one's own emotions and to be sensitive to other's feelings.
    Emotional Intelligence
  2. What are 4 components of emotion?
    • Physiological changes
    • Nonverbal reactions
    • Cognitive interpretations
    • Verbal expression
  3. What are some influences on emotional expression?
    • Personality
    • Culture
    • Gender
    • Social conventions and roles
    • fear of self disclosure
    • Emotional contagion
  4. The term used to describe situations when it's appropriate and/or necessary to manage or suppress emotions.
    Emotional Labor
  5. The process by which emotions are transferred from one person to another.
    Emotional contagion
  6. What are the guidelines for expressing emotions?
    • Recognize your feelings
    • Choose the best language
    • Share multiple feelings
    • Recognize the difference between feeling and acting
    • Accept responsibility for your feelings
    • Choose the best time and place to express your feeling
  7. Emotions that contribute to effective functioning
    Facilitative emotions
  8. Emotions which hinder or prevent effective performance
    Debilitative emotions
  9. A debilitative emotion.
    Feelings of anxiety that plague some people at the thought of communicating in an unfamiliar or difficult context. (i.e. speech, interview)
    Communication Apprehension
  10. Recurrent thoughts not demanded by the immediate environment.

    i.e. holding a grudge
  11. Reapraisal method based on the idea that the key to changing feelings is to change unproductive cognitive interpretations.
  12. The nonvocal, internal monologue that is our process of thinking.
  13. Irrational thoughts
  14. When one believes that a worthwhile communicator should be able to handle any situation with complete confidence and skill.
    Fallacy of perfection
  15. A belief based on the idea that it is vital - not just desirable - to obtain everyone's approval.
    Fallacy of approval
  16. The inability to distinguish between what is and what should be.
    Fallacy of should
  17. Occurs when a person bases a belief on a limited amount of evidence. (i.e. I'm so stupid, can't do my taxes...)
    Fallacy of overgeneralization
  18. When one lives the belief that they should do nothing that can hurt or in any way inconvenience others because it will cause undesirable feelings.
    Fallacy of causation
  19. Suggests that forces beyond your control determine satisfaction in life.
    Fallacy of helplessness
  20. To operate on the assumption that if something bad can happen, it probably will,
    Fallacy of catastrophic expectations
  21. 4 techniques to minimizing debilitative emotions.
    • Monitor your emotional reactions
    • Note the activating event
    • Record your self talk
    • Dispute your irrational beliefs
  22. 2 characteristics of debilitating emotions
    Intensity and duration
  23. Rethinking the meaning of emotionally charged events in ways that alter their emotional impact.
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Interpersonal Communication