Respiratory system

  1. what are the funcitons of the respiratory system
    • provides an extensive area for gas exchange between air from environment and circulating blood
    • incoming air is filtered of dirt and pathogens by mucous and cilia, warmed by superficial blood vessels, mositened by mucous while being sent to gash exchange
    • production of sounds
    • provides olfactory sensation
    • assists in regulating body fluid pH
  2. What is the pathway of air through the respiratory system
    • mouth, nose, nasal cavity
    • pharynx
    • larynx
    • trachea
    • bronchi
    • broncioles
    • alveolar ducts
    • alveolar sacs
  3. what is the function of the nasal conchae
    creates turbulence which allows airborne particles to be trapped by the mucosa, extra time for warming, humidifying, and olfactory stimuli
  4. what organ of the respiratory tract is a chamber shared by the digestive and respiratory system that is connected to the nose, mouth, larynx, and esophagus
  5. what are the 3 part of the pharynx
    • nasopharynx
    • oropharynx
    • laryngopharynx
  6. which part of the pharynx is the superior portion connected to the posterior nasal cavity
  7. which part of the pharynx contains the auditory tubes and the pharyngeal tonsil
  8. which part of the pharynx is located inferior to the nasopharynx and extens from the soft palate at the base of the tongue
  9. which part of the pharynx is located inferior to the oropharynx and is between the hyoid and entrance to the trachea and esophagus
  10. how does the larynx produce sound waves
    air passing through the glottis vibrates the vocal chords
  11. what does the pitch of sound depend on
    diameter, lenght, and tension in vocal chords
  12. what happens to the pitch of sound when the distance increases and the vocal chords tense
  13. what happens to the pitch when the distance decreases and the vocal chords relax
  14. what is sound production at the larynx called
  15. what is the use of other structures to modify sounds
  16. what is clear speech dependent on
    phonation and articulation
  17. where is sound amplified and given resonance
    pharynx, oral cavity, nasal cavity, and sinuses
  18. what organ of the respiratory system is composed mainly of cartilage and stabilized ligaments and muscles
  19. after air leaves the pharynx what does it pass through
  20. what organ of the respiratory system allows air to move from the larynx to the bronchi
  21. what part of the trachea stiffen the walls to protect airway and prevent collapse and overexpansion
    tracheal cartilage rings
  22. what don't the c-shaped cartilage rings in the trachea protect posteriorly
    to allow a large bolus down the adjacent esophagus
  23. what type of WBC in the respiratory system is located in the alveolar epithelium
    alveolar macrophages
  24. what type of WBC phagocytize unwanted pathogens and debris
    alveolar macrophages
  25. what part of the respiratory system separates the air in the alveoli from the blood in surounding capillaries
    respiratory membrane
  26. what part of the respiratory system is a fluid that reduces surface tension between pleural membranes that prevents alveoli/lungs from collapsing
  27. what 3 parts of the respiratory system contain surfactant
    • alveolar membrane
    • capillary membrane
    • intersitital fluid
  28. what function of the respiratory system includes all processes involved in the gas exchange of oxygen, co2 between the ECF and environment
    external respiration
  29. what are the 4 parts of external respiration
    • pulmonary ventilation
    • gas diffusion across respiratory membrane between alveolar air sacs and capillaries
    • storage and transport oxygen and co2 between alveolar capillaries and capillary beds in other tissues
    • exchange of o2 and co2 between blod and ECF
  30. what is the movment of air into the lungs called
  31. what is the movement of air out of the lungs
  32. what organ of the respiratory system form the floor of the thoracic cavity
  33. what is the shape of the diaphragm when it is relaxed
    dome projecting upward into the thoracic cavity
  34. what is the shape of the diaphragm when its contracted
    tenses and moves down causing an increase in the thoracic cavity volume
  35. when does the thoracic cavity become increased
    when the ribs and vertebrae are moved up, inhaling
  36. when are pressure inside and outside the thoracic cavity equal
    at the start of a breath
  37. when does the thoracic cavity pressue decrease
    when it enlarges from diaphragm and intercoastal contracitons
  38. what focres air into the lungs
    decreased pressure in the thoracic cavity
  39. when does the thoracic cavity decrease in size
    relaxation of diaphragm and intercostals
  40. when does thoracic cavity pressure increase
    when thoracic cavity decreases
  41. what forces air out of the lungs
    increased pressure int he thoracic cavity
  42. what is one inhalation and one exhalation called
    respiratory cycle
  43. what respiratory disorder is an acute and characterized by sensitive, irritable airways causing a decrease in V.C. and ERV
  44. what respiratory disorder is a collapsed lung
  45. what respiratory disorder is respiration cessation
  46. what respiratory disorder is labored or difficult breathing
  47. what respiratory disorder is a decrease in the size of the respiratory airways
  48. what respiratory disorder is the enlargement of the respiratory airways
  49. what is a small fiber optic cable insereted down the respiratory tract that performs bronchioscopy called
  50. what is the application of cycles of compression to the rib cage and mouth to mouth breathing to maintain circulatory and respiratory function called
  51. what respiratory disorder is the chronic bronchitis and chronic airway obstruciton
    chronic obstructuve pulmonary disease (COPD)
  52. what respirartory disorder is caused by a drop in atmospheric pressure and results in the formation of nitrogen gas bubbles in body fluids, tissues and organs
    decompression sicknes
  53. what respiratory disorder is also called bends and includes mood change, seizure, and itching
    decompression sickness
  54. what respiratory disease is a chronic, progressive condition characterized by shortness of breath and an inability to tolerate physical exertion
  55. what respiratory disorder is casued by destruction of alveolar sacs, and leads to low ability for gas exchange
  56. what is a nosebleed called
  57. what is the compression to the abdomen just beneath the diaphragm, to force air out of lungs to clear the blocked airway
    heimlich maneuver
  58. what is the entry of blood into the pleura cavity called
  59. what is rapid and deep respirations called
  60. what is the slow and shallow respirations called
  61. what respiratory disorder is the inflammation of the pleural membrane and the release of excess fluid resulting in labored breathing
  62. what respiratory disorder is the entry of air into the pleura cavity
  63. what respiratory disorder is the blockage of a brance of a pulmonary arter that stops blood flow to alveoli
    pulmonary emobolism
  64. what is the insertion of a tube directly into the trachea to bypass a blocked larynx or swollen shut pharynx
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Respiratory system