unit 13 MT

  1. CRT abbreviation
    Certified Respiratory Therapist
  2. pharyngocele
    herniation of the pharynx
  3. pneumonitis and pneunomonia
    inflammation of lungs
  4. DPM
    Doctor of Podiatric Medicine
  5. mento
    CF: chin
  6. broncho
    CF: bronchi
  7. AD abbreviation
    right ear
  8. pneumomo
    CF: lungs
  9. pharyngoscope
    instrument that examines pharynx
  10. pedi and podo
    CF: foot
  11. dextro
    CF: right
  12. geriatrics
    branch of medicine concerned with aging/problems with elderly
  13. IS abbreviation
    Incentive Spirometer
  14. endotracheal
    within trachea
  15. COPD abbreviation
    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  16. pneumothorax
    collection of air in chest cavity
  17. podiatry
    treatment of foot
  18. sinistro
    CF: left
  19. pytalorrhea
    drooling due to excess saliva
  20. pneumoncentesis
    surgical puncturing of a lung to remove fluid
  21. PE abbreviation
    Pulmonary Embolism
  22. PEDS abbreviation
  23. pneumoderma
    collection of air under skin
  24. pneumonotomy
    incision to the lung
  25. NBRC abbreviation
    National Board for Respiratory Care
  26. gerontology
    study of treatment of aging and elderly
  27. orthopnea
    able to breathe only when sitting up/standing
  28. larynalgia
    pain in larynx
  29. pharyngoplasty
    surical repair of phrynx
  30. epistaxis
    bloody nose /nosebleed
  31. phreno
    CF: diaphragm
  32. pleuro
    CF: pleura (membrane around lungs)
  33. CO2 abbreviation
    carbon dioxide
  34. chirospasm
    spasm of hand
  35. ptyalo
    CF: saliva/sputum
  36. apnea
    not breathing
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unit 13 MT