Chapter 3

  1. The Nervous Sysem
    • Central Nervouis System
    • .Brain and Spinal Cord
    • Peripheral Nervous System
    • .Nerve cells that send messages to the central nervous system
  2. Neurons
    • Nerve Cells
    • .Communicate with each other to send and receive messages from other parts of the body
    • .Muscles and glands
    • .We have 100 billion neurons mostly in the brain
  3. Neurons
    Cell Body
    Produces energy that fuels activity
  4. Neuron
    Receives information from other neurons and passes messages through cell body
  5. Neurons
    Carries messages away from cell body
  6. Neuron
    White fatty sunstance that insulates and protects axon
  7. Neuron
    Myelin Sheath
    Speeds transmission of messages
  8. Neuron
    Axon terminals
    Small fibers at the end of the axon that branch out
  9. Synapse
    A junction between the axon terminals of one neuron and the dendrites of another neuron
  10. Sensory Neurons
    Carry information received by the sense to the central nervous system
  11. Motor Neurons
    Carry information from the central nervous system to the muscles and glands and influnce their functioning
  12. Neurotransmitters
    Chemicals stores in sacs in the axon terminals
  13. Acetylcholine
    A neurotransmitter that, among its functions, triggers muscle contractions
  14. Endorphins
    • .Means "morphine within"
    • .Natural, opiate-like neurotransmitters
    • .Linked to pain control and to pleasure
  15. The Central Nervous System
    • .Consists of neurons of the spinal cord and the brain
    • .Spinal cord extend from the brain down the back
    • .Spinal reflex:a simple, automatic response to something
    • .Touching something hot on the stove
  16. Peripheral Nervous System
    .Responsible for transmitting messages between the central nervous system and all parts of the body
  17. Two Main Divisions of the Peripheral Nervous System
    • .Somatic: transmits sensory messages to the CNS
    • .Activated by touch, pain, changes in temperature or body position
    • .Autonomic (means involuntary): regulates body's vital functions such as heartbeat, breathing, digestion and blood pressure
    • .Sympathetic: Prepares the body for action
    • ."fight or flight" response: when the body decides what route to take in an uncertain situation
    • .Parasympathetic: restores the body after action
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Chapter 3
Psyc Biology and Behavior