Response that Block Communication

  1. using falsely comforting phrases in an attempt to offer reassurance
    false reassurance
  2. it will be ok
    don't worry. everything will be fine
    false reassurance
  3. you promise something that will not occur or is unrealistic
    false reassurance
  4. making a decision for a client; offering personal opinions; telling a patient what to do with phrases such as "should do," "ought to"
    giving advice or personal opinions
  5. takes decision making away from the patient; inhibits spontaneity; impairs decision making; creates doubt
    giving advice or personal opinions
  6. if i were you i would....
    i think you should...
    why don't you....
    giving advice or personal opinions
  7. making an assumption without validation; jumping to conclusions
    false assumptions
  8. easily leads to a wrong conclusion; often viewed as accusatory or argumentative
    false assumptions
  9. You're afraid to give your own injection.
    Your husband isn't very supportive.
    You aren't really trying.
    false assumptions
  10. trying to impose the nurse's own attitudes, values, beliefs, and moral standards on a patient about what is right and wrong
    approval or disapproval
  11. easily leads the patient to doubt personal values; creates feelings of guilt and resentment; causes friction between you and the patient
    approval or disapproval
  12. abortion is wrong!
    having cosmetic surgery is frivolous.
    you shouldn't even think that.
    he is really a good doctor.
    approval or disapproval
  13. stereotyped or superficial comments that do not focus on what the client is feeling or trying to say
    automatic responses
  14. tends to belittle the individual's feelings and minimize the importance of the message;communicates the message that you are not taking the patient's concerns seriously
    automatic response
  15. you can't win them all.
    isn't that nice?
    i don't make the rules, i just follow them.
    the doctor knows best.
    automatic responses
  16. responding negatively to criticism; often in response to feelings of anger or hurt on your part; usually involves making excuses
  17. implies that the patient has no right to an opinion; often you end up ignoring or minimizing the patient's concerns because you are focusing on defense of yourself or others
  18. i'm doing the best i can.
    oh, i'm sure the night nurse wouldn't have done that.
    you must not have heard me right.
  19. challenging or arguing against the patient's statements or perceptions
  20. denies that the patient's perceptions are real and valid; implies that the patient is lying, misinformed, or uneducated
  21. how can you say you didn't wink, when i heard you snoring all night long?
    how could your pain level be so high? you were just talking and laughing with your visitor?
  22. asks the patient to explain his or her actions, beliefs, or feelings with "why " questions
    asking for explanations
  23. frequently viewed by the patient as accusatory; patient often thinks you now the answer and are testing him or her; risks causing resentment, insecurity, and mistrust
    asking for explanations
  24. inappropriately focusing the discussion on something other than the patient's concern
    changing the subject
  25. rude and shows lack of empathy; blocks further communication, and sometimes makes patient feel uncomfortable about expressing feelings; interrupts thoughts, and often inhibits the sharing of important information
    changing the subject
  26. we'll worry about that later. it's time for your bath now.
    lets talk about something else. talking about having cancer is making you too sad.
    changing the subject
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Response that Block Communication
Table 3-4