HR Test #3 Ch 12 Part 1

  1. Burnout
    is a general feeling of exhaustion that develops when an individual simultaneously experiences too much pressure and too few sources of satisfaction.
  2. Circadian rhythms
    are natural cycles that indicate when a body needs to eat or sleep.
  3. Collateral stress programs
    are organizational programs created specifically to help employees deal with stress.
  4. Dysfunctional behavior
    refers to any behavior at work that is counterproductive. These behaviors may include theft and sabotage, as well as sexual and racial harassment.
  5. Hardiness
    is an individual difference that allows some individuals to experience less stress when dealing with stressful events, and that makes them more effective in dealing with the stress they do experience.
  6. Health hazards
    are characteristics of the work environment that more slowly and systematically, and perhaps cumulatively, result in damage to an employee’s health.
  7. Institutional programs
    for managing stress are undertaken through established organizational mechanisms.
  8. OSHA
    is both the act that authorized the U.S. government to create various standards regarding occupational safety and health and the administrative agency that enforces those standards.
  9. Safety engineers
    are experts who carefully study the workplace, try to identify and isolate particularly dangerous situations, and recommend solutions for dealing with those situations.
  10. Safety hazards
    are conditions in the work environment that have the potential to cause harm to an employee.
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HR Test #3 Ch 12 Part 1
HR Test #3 Ch 12 Part 1