Spanish II final

  1. abrir
    to open
  2. acabar
    to finish
  3. aconsejar
    to advise
  4. acordarse (ue) (de)
    to remember
  5. acostar(se) (ue)
    to lie down
  6. alcanzar
    to reach
  7. almorzar (ue)
    to eat lunch
  8. andar
    to walk
  9. aparecer
    to appear
  10. aprender
    to learn
  11. arreglar
    to fix
  12. asistir
    to attend
  13. atender (ie)
    to assist
  14. ayudar
    to help
  15. bajar
    to go down
  16. beber
    to drink
  17. buscar
    to search
  18. cambiar
    to change
  19. casarse
    to get married
  20. cenar
    to dine
  21. cerrar (ie)
    to close
  22. cocinar
    to cook
  23. coger
    to grab
  24. comenzar (ie)
    to start
  25. comprar
    to buy
  26. conducir
    to drive
  27. conocer
    to know
  28. conseguir (i) (i)
    to get
  29. contar (ue)
    to tell
  30. contestar
    to answer
  31. cortar
    to cut
  32. crear
    to create
  33. creer
    to believe
  34. cubrir
    to cover
  35. cuidar (de)
    to care for
  36. deber
    to owe
  37. decir (i)
    to say
  38. dejar
    to leave
  39. desayunarse
    to eat breakfast
  40. descansar
    to rest
  41. desear
    to want
  42. despertar (se) (ie)
    to wake up
  43. discutir
    to discuss
  44. disfrutar
    to enjoy
  45. divertirse (ie) (i)
    to have fun
  46. doler (ue)
    to hurt
  47. dudar
    to doubt
  48. durar
    to continue
  49. echar
    to throw
  50. elegir (i) (i)
    to elect
  51. empezar (ie)
    to begin
  52. empujar
    to push
  53. enamorarse
    to fall in love
  54. encontrar (ue)
    to meet
  55. enfadar (se)
    to make angry
  56. ensenar
    to teach
  57. entender (ie)
    to understand
  58. entregar
    to deliver
  59. enviar
    to send
  60. escoger
    to choose
  61. escuchar
    to listen
  62. esperar
    to hope
  63. estar
    to be (location;temporary condition)
  64. evitar
    to avoid
  65. exigir
    to demand
  66. fabricar
    to manufacture
  67. fumar
    to smoke
  68. ganar
    to win
  69. gastar
    to spend
  70. golpear
    to strike
  71. gozar
    to enjoy
  72. gritar
    to shout
  73. gustar
    to like
  74. hallar
    to find
  75. hacer
    to do
  76. herir (i) (i)
    to wound
  77. importar
    to be important
  78. ir
    to go
  79. jugar (ue)
    to play
  80. lavar (se)
    to wash
  81. levantar (se)
    to life
  82. limpiar
    to clean
  83. llamar (se)
    to call
  84. llegar
    to arrive
  85. llenar
    to fill
  86. llevar
    to carry
  87. llorar
    to cry
  88. llover (ue)
    to rain
  89. mandar
    to order
  90. matar
    to kill
  91. medir (i) (i)
    to measure
  92. meter
    to put into
  93. morir (ue) (u)
    to die
  94. mostrar (ue)
    to show
  95. nacer
    to be born
  96. negar (ie)
    to deny
  97. oir
    to hear
  98. oler (ue)
    to stink
  99. olvidar
    to forget
  100. parar
    to stop
  101. paracer
    to seem
  102. pedir (i) (i)
    to request
  103. pensar (ie)
    to think
  104. perder (ie)
    to lose
  105. poder (ue)
    to be able to
  106. preguntar
    to ask
  107. poner
    to put
  108. preocuparse
    to worry
  109. prestar
    to borrow
  110. probar (ue)
    to taste
  111. quedar (se)
    to stay
  112. querer (ie)
    to want
  113. quitar (se)
    to take away
  114. reconocer
    to recognize
  115. recoger
    to collect
  116. recordar
    to remember
  117. rechazar
    to reject
  118. regresar
    to return
  119. reir (se) (i) (i)
    to laugh
  120. respirar
    to breathe
  121. revisar
    to check
  122. rogar (ue)
    to beg
  123. romper
    to break
  124. saber
    to know
  125. sacar
    to pull out
  126. salir
    to leave
  127. saludar
    to greet
  128. seguir (i) (i)
    to follow
  129. sentar (se)
    to seat
  130. sentir (ie) (i)
    to feel
  131. ser
    to be (origin, characteristics, time)
  132. sonar (ue)
    to dream
  133. sonreir (i) (i)
    to smile
  134. subir
    to go up
  135. sugerir (i) (i)
    to suggest
  136. temer
    to fear
  137. tener (ie)
    to have
  138. terminar
    to finish
  139. tirar
    to throw
  140. tocar
    to play
  141. tomar
    to take in
  142. trabajar
    to work
  143. traducir
    to translate
  144. traer
    to bring
  145. tratar
    to try
  146. vender
    to sell
  147. venir (ie)
    to come
  148. vestir (se) (i) (i)
    to dress
  149. viajar
    to travel
  150. volver (ue)
    to return
Card Set
Spanish II final